Chapter 8

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"So Stella, where are you staying?" I asked her. I'm already worrying about when I'll see her again and she hasn't even left yet, what's wrong with me?

"I actually don't have a place to stay right now which is why I was wandering around in the woods," Stella said. "I was attending college a few hours from here but my roommate and I didn't get along very well and was making my life hell. Once I took my last final exam though, you couldn't make me pack up and leave faster if you wanted to. All of my stuff is in storage in a town near by. My family isn't much help so I don't really have anywhere to go."

I just stared at her, trying to figure out why anyone would not want to get along with her. Even though I just met her, she seems like the sweetest person you could ever meet. I didn't even stop to think about it, I knew I had to keep her around. I wanted to see her, no I NEED to see her. She had to stay, she just had to.

"There's a motel not to far from here, I could pay for you to stay a couple of nights until you get back on your feet. The town isn't very big but I'd be more than happy to show you around," I told her. My heart was racing, hoping she would agree with my idea so I could keep her close by.

"Oh no, Luna! I couldn't ask you to do that for me! We just met, why would you do that for me?" Stella's eyes were wide with confusion as if no one had ever shown her kindness before. Just the thought of someone being mean to her makes my heart clench and a sadness settle over me.

"Because I want to," I told her. "You seem like a nice girl and I'd really like to get to know you better. If you stay at the motel, I'll know where you are and we can get to know each other. That is, if you even want to stay around here and get to know me better." Suddenly nervous, I begin nibbling on my bottom lip, working it between my teeth. A bad habit I picked up a few years back.

"Calm yourself, you worry too much. You know she's going to say yes, just look at her! She's blushing an adorable shade of red just because you're being nice to her." Luna decided to throw in. I mentally took a step back from the situation and took in the sight in front of me. Her medium reddish brown hair was blowing softly in the slight breeze and her hazel eyes were reflecting the sunlight that poured through the leaves on the trees. The paleness of her skin only accentuated the rosy color of her cheeks, which were lightly dusted with freckles. It was like this setting was made just for us and the spot she was standing in was picked specifically for her so she seemed to glow.

"Close your mouth, little one," Luna chuckled in my head, "Don't want to start drooling out of nowhere and scare the poor girl. I'm rather fond of her so don't mess this up!" Wow. Luna has major trust issues and she just openly admitted to liking this beautiful girl we just met. Just proves what I already knew, this girl is special.

"I want to get to know you, you silly girl. You seem like a genuine person, those are hard to find these days. Thank you so much for helping me." Before I can even process what's going on, she leans forward and places a kiss upon my lips. Fireworks burst across my frazzled brain as electricity courses throughout my body with her lips as a starting point. She pulls away much too soon for my liking as a huff of annoyance escapes my lips without my permission. I'm soon graced with the sound of her giggle again as the tinkling seems to bounce off of every surface it can, echoing in my sensitive ears. A blush soon shows itself on my cheeks, embarrassment from being caught and wonder at the sound of her giggle course through my veins causing my body to hum with energy.

So, I wanted to write more. This has been sitting in my drafts since May. I had so much more planned but just didn't have the time or want to write what all else I had in my head. Quite frankly, it's a jumbled mess in there and writing a story about my ex lover can be pretty difficult but I'm determined to finish this. It's just...gonna take some time. I hope you all will understand. Thank you for reading and voting.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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