Chapter 3

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Sorry it’s taking me so long to update. I’ve been sick and busy and that’s not necessarily a good combination. I have noticed that a lot of people are reading this story but I’ve gotten few fans and virtually no feedback at all. I hate to say this but unless I can get some feedback and fans then I’m just going to stop posting chapters and take it off of here and just email it to its intended readers and possibly those who have fanned the story and want to read it. Let’s say 5 comments and 5 votes? More fans would be amazing, too. Thanks and sorry everyone, it just kinda gets to me…

PS – I changed the font to italics for when Luna’s Beast is speaking to her or when they’re speaking telepathically with someone else. I hope it makes it easier to understand that way. A special thanks goes to dezzypants for that awesome suggestion. I highly recommend her stories, they are absolutely WONDERFUL!! <3

-Pandora <3

Chapter 3

They accept me, they actually accept me.

I still can’t seem to come down from this happy high. We’ve been walking together in comfortable silence all the way to their home, my new home. On the way, I asked them a series of questions. What can I say? Cats aren’t the only ones that are curious. My Beast laughs at that comment and I roll my eyes at her. Silly creature, so judgmental about the things I think! It’s ok though, she’s in my head and there’s nothing anyone can say about it.

“We’re almost there. We pretty much have our own little village in the middle of the forest but we all usually stay in the main house. There are plenty of rooms still available so you may choose which ever you want and move in,” Mariah says. I nod my head but I can hardly contain my excitement. As the silly wolf I am, I begin bouncing and skipping, sniffing everything in close proximity. At one point I almost shifted due to the pure joy I was feeling.

Suddenly, it hit me. It was like a powerful train rampaging through my nostrils, something that didn’t quite belong. I looked at my packmates for any sign that they smelled it too, but they looked as if nothing was wrong at all. I was utterly confused. Couldn’t they smell that something wasn’t right? Was I simply going crazy? The closer we got to the village, my new home, the smell got stronger. My Beast was on high alert as she whispered into my mind “Protect” and I couldn’t agree more. I kept my guard up. I must protect my packmates, my family.

I was anxious, I could tell we were getting closer and closer to the source of the smell and I didn’t want to be in human form when I met it.

“Do you guys mind if I shift so I can get the most out of my new home?” I tried to hide my anxiety with my excitement. Even though I was anxious about finding whatever it was I’m looking for I was still very much excited.

Akiko smiled at me and giggled a little, sounding more like a mouse than any mouse I’ve ever encountered. “Sure, go on ahead. We were all actually very curious to see what your Beast looks like.”

I smiled at her easiness and internally sighed as they hadn’t picked up on anything but excitement. I stepped away from them so I could shift. I centered my mind and called forth my Beast, my best friend with whom I share my name, Luna. I knew what they would see as I began to shift since it has been described to me by bystanders who witnessed my transformation. They would see a brilliant, shimmering flash, like the light of the moon. Instead of me, a girl with short raven hair and slightly tanned skin, to a wolf (far larger than it should be) with grey and white speckled fur on it back hidden amongst coppery red fur. I have seen my reflection in many different lakes and ponds throughout my journey. I never thought I was beautiful, and neither did my Beast, but we never grew tired of the reactions we received from those we encountered.

As we both expected, everyone gasped. My Beast giggled in my head, “Silly children, they act as if they’ve never seen a werewolf before.” I couldn’t help but laugh which, I might add, is very difficult to do when you’re in the form of a wolf. My packmates rushed over to me and began to pet my soft fur. I closed my eyes in contentment as I began to nuzzle each one of them, a low rumble emanating from my chest. Now we were all excited to reach the pack house. They ran in front of me while I occupied myself with sniffing out everything, memorizing and storing the scents. I still couldn’t place the one I was looking for. We were almost there and the smell was getting bolder, stronger, when I realized the scent was from a male. But not just any male, it was a male of a different shifter species, though I couldn’t place it yet.

We left the woods and entered into a clearing, the pack house just ahead, when he came out of the house. Immediately I growled and gave him the death glare, daring him to come closer. He was about 5’8” with an average build, hair the color of melted milk chocolate, and the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They weren’t quite hazel, not quite green, nor were they brown. They were such an odd mixture yet so intriguing. No matter how mesmerizing his eyes were I refused to let my guard down. I began growling at him instinctively to remind him I was still there and refused to be ignored.

That’s when he decided to speak. “Ah and who do we have here?”

Akiko spoke up for me, “This is Luna. She will be staying with us from now on.” The male looked at me curiously and I knew what he would see. My Beast, Luna, was taking over. When someone she considers close is threatened, or even if I feel threatened, my eyes turned to black. If the golden topaz color of my normal eyes weren’t bad enough, the piercing black ones will get them every time.

He started to shift uncomfortably under my gaze. I chose that moment to speak to him telepathically (A/N in this story all weres can communicate in this manner whether in human form or animal form). “Who are you?” His eyes widened slightly before he realized what was happening and responded, “My name is Joseph but I prefer to be called Joey. I am a were, such as yourself, but I am of the bear variety, instead of a wolf.” That caught my attention. I had never encountered a werebear before. I giggled to myself…hehe werebear… I wanted to see what he looked like. I was in wolf form so if something happened I would be able to protect myself and the pack.

If you truly are a…werebear,” I stifled a laugh. “Then prove it. Shift and allow our Beasts to meet.” It only took a moment before he agreed. He stepped back and shifted in a brilliant blue light. In his place was a giant grizzly bear. Needless to say, I was impressed. I still didn’t trust him but impressed nonetheless.

Believe me now?” His voiced popped into my head again causing me to jump and growl. His laugh chimed throughout my head before he spoke again. “Down puppy, I’m not going to hurt you. Welcome to our pack. We should shift back now, don’t you think?” “You first,” I said, growling slightly. He laughed but complied, shifting back into his human form with me following suit slightly after. He smiled at me before walking to the door and opening it for me.

“Welcome to your new home, Luna.”

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