Olive Belamour facts

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Even through people wanted a y/n, I decided to make on oc, i felt more happier allowing my oc to have this life.

Olive Belamour has brown curly  long hair, and brown skin.

Picture reference.

As well as circle glasses with a silver chain attached to them.

Olive was born with a rare condition that allows her to remember things from even before she was born, like her mother's voice.

Olive has trust issues but at the same time really enjoys making friends, and her fatal flaw would be she would never know if someone wasn't her actually friend, and if she did know she'd ignore it to hold the fake relationship they have.

Olive has a very big imagination, which leads her to be very talkative because of how passionate she is about things, the only problem is, people use to shut her down for talking about the things she liked, so she stays silent now and talks to stuff animals.

Olive has Autism, ADHD, stimming disorder, and sensory processing disorder. Olive has multiple scars on her bodie from picking and scratching herself; mainly on her arms.

Olive enjoys drawing, playing minecraft, singing (through she knows she isn't to good at it,), playing games, watching true crime, hugs, anime, and writing stories, as well as more but that's the main stuff.

Olive hates scary movies, people who have a J as the first initial of their name (she just doesn't have good experience with those people), certain textures of things, overly loud places, people shushing her, rude and obnoxious people, unsupportive people.

Olive is a very supportive and funny person, who enjoys making random voice and funny jokes, sometimesbshe would switch from her normal voice to a cartoon character impression.

Olive favorite tv show is spongebob, even at sixteen she still finds it the best show ever, Olive enjoys making people happy and making them laugh, so she goes out of her way to do this.

When Olive met her father, she learned how grumpy of a person he was, a very monotone scary looking guy.

"So...your my daughter, I guess I should have expected you to be....black," her father said chained to the table, Olive's father had blond hair, a glued on glare, and pale skin that was probably pretty rough. Olive was nine when she met him, she wore pigtails, her glasses, and overall dress with a long sleeve white undershirt.

"What's your name kid?" He asked her, Olive smiled brightly not fully understanding why he was here, what he meant, and if he could stand her. "Olive Belamour," she said holding her brown bear. "Olive....that's a pretty name," he said, she nodded. "Thank you sir," she said with a smile. "You like making people happy don't you?" Her father rested on the table and asked her, the girl nodded.

"Well I tried to make your mother happy, and she used her heel to cut my eye, that's were this here scar came from," he said pointing at the scar on his eye, Olive didn't flinch or anything. "So I killed the bitch almost got you too if it weren't for them coppers over there," he said leaning back in his chair, Olive didn't say a word.

"You must of been a lousy killer, if you couldn't get rid of one infant," Olive said with a stone cold glare, the man didn't say anything he just matched his kids glare before laughing. "You can't make everyone smile kid, some people just want to see the world burn," The man said, Olive shook her head.

"If they want to see the world burn so badly, then they can burn, I have no need to waste my time making those type of people happy," Olive said getting out her chair, a police officer came by her side to lead her back to the office. "Goodbye sir," Olive said walking away, Olives father appreciate Olive, he knew she was a smart kid, a scary one too.

Olive will not speak to you, if your a bitch that is a fact.

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