going dark lol only real ones know

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(Picture above is what I describe myself to look like lol)

It's been a couple of days since that, still get called little sister/brother and stuff by everyone. Honestly I'm just excepting it, I've been considering going as an undercover fan and then joining a fan club just to see the violence in that shit, maybe time them into making a fanfiction for me to read. I don't know I'm bored, it is pride month so I shall be extra gay, me and Puffy spiced up the place with rainbow!

I haven't done much lately, I started writing my therapy, I'm also going to therapy, my therapist suggested writing more, using art to express my feelings. So some streams I just write in total silence, well I have a dark Academy playlist playing in the background but that's it; I also do that at night when Niki's sleep. Don't ask me why, I have no clue, well I do but, I don't care to say really....okay I do care apparently.

Especially right now when I am being asked how my day was while I'm with Tommy, Tubbo, Jack, oh Gogy to apparently. "So what is the late night silent streams Olive?" Tommy asked probably strolling through my twitch. "Oh yeah I've been meaning to ask you that actually?" Tubbo said the other two nodded. "My therapist recommended using art as a way to vent and things, so when I'm up all night thinking I turn on stream since I hate the feeling of being alone and write," they nodded understanding.

"You hate being alone?" Jack asked I nodded. "I enjoy being alone in a house with people who are in opposite rooms awake, so if I were in trouble they come, but alone when people are asleep, even knowing that if anything spontaneously were to happened to me, such as the supernatural which I do believe in, someone who i assume is good would see, therefore streaming in total silence, sometimes, most times I have music on, but other times I don't, when I do it's either I want to listen to it, or drown out the thought of randomly hearing someone speak," I said they nodded and gave me sympathy, they figured it was another fault in a bad home, which it was.

We had made a rule not to speak about what experience I had in most homes, and I'm glad. Only if I'm comfortable to share we would. "Remember your just dance stream with Wilbur," Tubbo said breaking the terrible silence, I nodded with a smile thankful for him. "Yeah that was hilarious, especially the part when Techno called just to mock him," I said with a small laugh. "Oh look here, a Olive adorable moments compilation," George said stopping at a youtube video.

"We aren't watching that," I said immediately the others laughed. "I think we are," Tommy said grabbing the remote and playing it, I tried grabbing it back but he tossed it to George.

First clip.

Gibberish word out of fear.

"Well chat I actually enjoy ice, oh god baby zombies!  j3nw," Olive exclaimed trying to run from the fast fucks, his hunger bar died down making him slower, she continued speaking a shit ton of non english words. "Oi mate back off!" She yelled her british accent being more recognizable this time. She started speaking more slang words those from other countries wouldn't understand, another thing she did in slight fear.

Clip over.

Tommy burst out laughing before the others did, they just had slight smiles.

Second clip.

Frog gusher.

"Laughing is forbidden chat, and go." Olive said sitting next to Wilbur during a try not to laugh. The first clip rolled and it was a little green frog with a strawberry cap. "Awww it's so cute!" Olive gushed making Wilbur confused on what was funny, a second later the frog was smashed it turned out to be a very detailed cake. Olive gasped in put his hands over her mouth, she looked at the monitor in pure fear, which made Wilbur worried, due to the know fact of how easily they could get attached.

"I'm fine...," they said putting their hands down and holding a stare to try not to cry on stream, sure it was a cake but it looked like a pretty frog.

Clip over

"The frog...," Olive said making Tommy rub their back, they knew she didn't like videos that may hurt animals. She was a little nature wonder.

Third clip.

I love you

"I love you!" Olive said to her monitor, she started sending hand hearts. "I-I love you!" She said squatting on her chair. "I love you very much, now go drink water and eat, okay? I love you!" She said again with a smile.

Clip ended

The entire room gushed, "awe love you to Olive," Tubbo said making the poor child slouch.

Clip four

"Come little children, I'll you away into a land of enchantment, oh little children, the times come to play, here in my garden of shadows," she sang the lyrics to a song unaware he wasn't mute on the discord as they waited for Ranboo to do there introduction for stream. "You can sing?" Ranboo said as they started humming. "I- wait you weren't suppose to, wait..., I thought I was on mute!" They exclaimed and sent Ranboo into laughter. "I thought i was on mute!" They said again.

Clip end

"You sounded amazing Olive," george said. "Thank you, but seriously I could of sworn I was muted the hell," they said.

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