okay so hi

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Alright fuckers here's the jiz

I'm sick af sadly fml

Two I loved the beginning so

Hate the Andrew plot

Three um kinda want to make a ship, don't want to make people pressed on my shitty brain.

Three I have no clue on people's actual boundaries

Four will delete the shit If it's making someone uncomfortable that is included in the book. (That means if your uncomfortable and your not in the story, leave....or tell me why I'll probably agree with you later cause I'm sick which means my head is wonky)

Five I may delete certain chapters the and restart, and rewrite.

Six updates are slow everywhere, sorry. I'm not gonna say shitty things like "I have a life okay, which means I can't bow on my knees for you and update after update" cause that's dumb and rude. (Calling someone I know out like it's nothing lol)

I do however have a lot of shit to do, and I like to do certain things, certain weeks and months, adhd thangz lol. I hope this let's those who really dig down deep in my books (ohoho big shot over here lol) take breaks as well, and like touch grass and do different activities.

I also need a like shower three days without one, depression woo!  I um might have covid eww this is getting to venty lol. Anywhores have fun with life sluts.

Just know I always come back (unless I die cause sick bitch skillz)

Also I'm trying to like come back 2022 as a greater person, like physical and mentally. Writing and daydreaming not sure if it helps, I have no therapist so yeah. I'm starting a business soon, I have the shit, I'm just waiting to get better to actually make it so I can sell and don't get others sick.

For those who are sick, try herbs, I kid you not tea and shit, hot tea helps like a lot. I've could be bed rest dead inside, but no! Cause I drink herbal tea. And before I got like stuffy nose and sore throat sick I was drinking my herbal tea cause I was on my cycle and bam! Now, my might be covid sickness is like so easy to function.

I had a sore throat for two days, I drunk hot tea and it got better. Pinterest can give you a shit tone of herbs.

And funfact, most illnesses can be fixed with herbs, okay so just do it. Call it witchcraft, call it gods giftes, call it whatever just do and get better.

Take fucking breaks I can not kid you enough it helps, write it could be posted, it could be online, it could be on paper do it, I know I need to get back on it, I need that motivation. I just need to get better, and I can. So can you!

Imma going to take a bath. Also the wine stream, that's my comfort stream now lol.

I love all of you all, that may be shit coming from a stranger but I do, the fact your reading this, it means so much to me. Those who comment, and star, thank you honestly all of you even if you don't, and you just read and listen, thank you. For being here and just being you. I love you.

Now night/morning I'll see you all soon.


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