New people? acting? Angst?

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Day One

Monday August 9


I woke up this morning and checked twitter everything was normal as usual, so I went to get dress and everything. I went to the kitchen and made myself so breakfast. Everything seemed so normal, but also out of place? If that even made since. Mcc was coming up, I wasn't participating sadly, but Niki let me try out that game in the practice server.

Recently I left Tubbo's and Ranboo's, it was cool hanging out with them, and doing the Tom Simon vlogs. After eating I went to Niki's door, checking if she was up, before I could knock she opened the door with her laptop. "Oh your up, um techno has an announcement he want to tell us, on a meets," she said I nodded and came in her room to go on the meets in there.

Everyone seemed to be on, Phil and Kristin, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, Dream Team, Basically everyone close to Techno. "So I everyone here?" He asked people with there cameras on nodded and others without their camera gave a thumbs up in the chat.

"Basically um... I can't put this in a simple and easy way, nor a nice way really, so I'll just give it to you straight, I found out I had cancer recently...," he said the call fell silent. "Please tell me this is an early april fool's prank?" Wilbur said, I couldn't say a thing. "No's alright okay, I'll be fine, I've gotten myself good treatment and everything, I'm alright," he said trying to ease those who looked extremely worried.

Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo looked as if they were going to cry, but so did i. The adults started talking to each other about this, and I just held Niki's hand. "Kids are you okay do you need to take a breather?" Kristin asked us, she was the first to noticed. I looked at my lap and wiped my eyes. Tommy turned around to try to hide his tears, Tubbo did the same as I and Ranboo rubbed his back after putting his mask and shades on.

"Yeah...," I spoke for each of us, at that note the three of them turned their cameras and mics of and I got up and left Nikis room. I went outside and lucky for us we lived blocks away from anyone else. So I screamed, I wasn't sure if I was heard in nikis room, I didn't care. I was upset and scared, I felt like this is just the start of a bad follow up for me.

Everything was normal, everything was fucking normal I swear, this isn't real, I can't be, their has to be a mistake, it was FUCKING NORMAL
I thought....I thought I could be happy with my family, I thought I could heal the loss of so many others I considered my family, and now I might lose another? Someone I admired so much, someone who was practically my hero, my brother....he taught me so much and he looked out for me. He helped so many people and the nerves of this shitty world to give him the biggest set back ever.

What the fuck...I don't understand why? I can't understand can I?

I went back inside wiping my face, disregarding the make up I recently put on, now I have a clear face showing all those boring freckles, and natural green eyes and black lashes. My eyes were red sadly not because of drugs would be much more easier to explain, but because I was terrified for my friend, because I was sobbing knowing I might lose my hero, my brother, my family...

I went back into Niki's room, Tommy had just gotten back, his eyes were also red, I rested my head on Niki's shoulder. After a second Tubbo and Ranboo were back, I assume both of them were crying as well, Tubbo I was sure of, he still had tear stains, Ranboo I couldn't tell. "Hey kids...I'm alright," Techno reassured us, I just looked at the monitor. "I'll be fine, okay? Besides Technoblade never dies!" He said with a laugh, it made us smile.

It made everyone smile....

Day two

Thursday August 19


It's been a bit since the situation with Techno, I've gotten better. Recently Belle had asked me to be a background character and her song. She sent me a dress and everything. So now I was at Tommy's doing the green screen with him. A lot of acting is going on, with a lot of directing. Tommy and I was able to catch a break, both sitting down and drinking a coke.

"So how are you?" He asked me. "Good," it was a simple reply some would say dry, but I had no reason to be exciting or expressive much. "Even after...," he led on, he was hurt still, as was I but, he still felt stronger emotions about it. I set mine and Tommy's coke down and got up and opened my arms. "Its okay," I said the moment he gave me a hug. "Are you sure?" He asked me. "Would your big sister lie to you, let alone your big brother?" I asked breaking the hug a bit to look at him with a smile.

It was hypocritical of me to tell someone to believe something I hardly believed myself, but I cared to much for Tommy to let him keep lurking around depressed. He laughed at my statement and gave me a hug again. "No," he said I smiled and just held onto him.

The next few days Bella posted the video, it was amazing. I was their walking past Tommy, I also gave him another one of my languages. Tommy and I both watched together joking with each other about our acting skills.

"I'm a brilliant actor," I said, he chuckled. "Whatever," he replied, we were currently doing a cuddle session, Tommy was very clingy weather that was physically or emotionally. "Hey there's this new streamer named Andrew he's pretty cool, were playing among us with him tomorrow if you want to join?" Tommy asked me, I nodded. "Yeah sure," I said he smiled and pulled up another video for us to watch.

 "Yeah sure," I said he smiled and pulled up another video for us to watch

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Inferno dress

Inferno dress

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Angst outfit

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