Thats what she said

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Brighton airport

It's been awhile since we've been there and now it was time to leave, Niki and I are the first to fly back.
"We'll miss you two," Wilbur said giving us both a hug.
"As will we," Niki spoke for both of us, I nodded.
"Goodbye Woman," Tommy said walking in front of me, I scoffed to add drama.
"Bye child," I said looking away we both went quiet before laughing and shaking each others hands.

"Okay does anyone have hand sanitizer I touched a gremlin," I said making every laugh and Tommy fume.
"Bye Olivia," Tubbo said giving me a hug, I had to crouch to get to his level.
"Goodbye Tubbs," I said to him, philza came up and attempted to ruffle my hair but I was to tall so I bended down making everyone laugh, he ruffled my hair. Fuwlndy came and gave me a fist bump not attempting to embarrass himself with my height.

"Next time we meet please get shorter your at Wilburs height," Fundy said I shrugged. "I'd need a lot of coffee for that," I said "your not allowed to drink  coffee anymore," Niki said I frowned, apparently I was drinking coffee early in the morning and then I passed out making them all panic, also I almost out Coffee in my cereal instead of milk.

After a second we boarded the plane, I sat in the Window seat a little sad I will be away from my new friends but I knew I'd speak to them again, I went to sleep only to awake at our destination, the moment we got home me and Niki crashed on the couch promising to put our stuff up later.

Niki's house

I was making two sandwiches, one for me and Niki who has yet to come out her room for some odd reason, she hasn't told me she was streaming so I went ahead in immediately regretting it when i saw that she was streaming.

"Sorry Niki, I didn't know you were streaming today," I said she shook her head with a smile.

"Don't worry about it I forgot to tell you anyway," She said i nodded and went to her desk and placed her plate there.

"You haven't left to get food so I made you a sandwich and brought you a water," I said she awed and pulled me in a hug.

"Thank you, would you like to say hello to everybody, I don't think you met Dream team and the others yet," She said I shook my head no pulling up a stool to sit beside her. She unplugged her headphones and I immediately heard hellos and stuff, most I recognized.

"Everyone who didn't know this is- do you want me to say you given name or do you wanna use a different name?" She asked me I smiled brightly.

"Like a codename for spy?" I asked I heard her and multiple chuckle.

"Your gamertag silly," She said I made a O Express.

"My nickname Olive is fine," I said she nodded.

"Well everyone say hello to Olive, their my bestfriend and roommate," Niki said I nodded.

"Hey mate," I heard Phil say, I sent him a hello.

"Hello Philza, can you tell Niki to let me have coffee?" I asked I immediately heard multiple voices say no that I easily recognized.

"Hello Tommy, Wilbur, and Fundy," I said spinning in the spinning stool thing.

"Hello I'm bad," I heard someone say I nodded taking that name to the new person file. "Hello Mr.Bad," I said they sent me a hello again.

"I'm sapnap quick question like how old are you?" He asked. "Sixteen, and in my kingdom that means I'm allowed coffee so please  coffee," I said still wishing for it, Niki shook her head making me sigh.

"I am George, the simp is Dream, the king is Eret, the drug lord is Quackity," George said as if I would now who each of those code names were. "Bold of you to assume I knew those code names but go off I guess," I said making many people burst out laughing. "Oh Olive you got a dono," Niki said I tilted my head in confusion.

"Do you stream?" Someone asked, I shook my head no. "I just play the game," I said. "I bet I can beat you at PVP," someone said. "Is this the drug lord, king, simp, I don't know these people Niki," I said turning to her making her laugh. "That was Dream. "I'm the drug lord," Quackity said I nodded. "And I am the bisexual king," Eret told me I shook pass the fact this guy had the most deepest voice ever.

"Hello everyone," I said now knowing people. "And no you can't I might be a builder mainly but I can still kick someone's ass at pvp," I said honestly. "Niki can I speed run her death real quick please," Dream asked I chuckled. Going closer to the mic. "I will kill you faster then Tommy could say bitch, and then make it look like a accident and cry at your minecraft furnal with minecraft mother do not test me," I said my voice more intense and terrifying.

"Holy shit dude...," Tommy said making everyone burst out laughing. "Wait can you actually do that?" Fundy asked me, I was hesitant. "For legal reason I can not answer that," I said with an awkward chuckle. "She frightens me more Niki," Wilbur said Niki nodded. "Okay but seriously PVP me right now," Dream said I looked at Niki asking if I could, she nodded and we switched seats I got use to the controls and then faced a green teletubbie.

"Why the fuck are you some a green teletubbie?" I asked I heard a lot of wheezes many tea kettles and spray bottles and one language.  "Shut up let's fight," Dream said charging to me I quickly hit him making him fly back I had enough time to eat a gapple so I did, and then pulled out an arrow and began shooting him when he got to close, eventually killing him with a splash potion.

"Eat dirt bitch," I said with a smirk earning a language. "Holy fuck, Dream now you must let her onto the smp they proved their greatness first hand," Tommy said I nodded. "Yeah dude that be great I could be some wise dude with a long white beard or something," I said referring to old ass wizards.

"No, that was dumb luck," Dream said I wanted to slam my hands on desk for his rudeness but this was Niki's desk so I told Tommy to do it. "Tommy slam your fist on the desk," I said, he did as told making people laugh. "How dare you call that dumb luck, I'll have you know I am a god at PVP, ask nobody cause I have zero visual proof other then today," I said making more laughter amongst the call.

"Well the god title belongs to me so~," i heard a whole new person making me hella confused. "Hello techno, Techno this is Olive my roomate," Niki said, I got a hello. "Hey loser," I said a little mad he ruined my grind. "I wanna kill them now" Techno said I smirked. "Bring it on," I said I heard many protest and one technoblade joined the game, in a second his character came infront of me.

"...why the fuck are you a pig in a monarch outfit, what are you a slobby king?" I asked making many loud laughter. "I'm a anarchist child," he said I scoffed. "That titles for Tommy call me a God," I said with a cocky tone. "I'm the god!" He exclaimed I hummed in thought. "Not anymore bitch!" I exclaimed beginning to attack him in which he died the entire call went quiet.

"Niki why is everyone quiet?" I whispered towards her loud enough. "You just killed someone who was literally throught of as unkillable for the longest," Niki told me I nodded saying O kinda feeling bad. "Welp, have fun with that, I'm going to go feel special while regretting life decisions," I said getting up immediately hearing a Heh from techno and many protest.

Bitch I'm ghost lol

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