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"HOLY SHIT SHES A GHOST!!!" Zensitu screamed like the idiot he is.

"AOI-SAN SHES AWAKE!!" Tanjiro yelled across the room.

It was like a movie, a very vivid one in fact. Holding her hand and she woke up. Maybe miracles were real, he just had to take a leap of faith.

"Gosh gosh, how did this even happening." Aoi and the the girls came over immediately examining her.

She sat up slightly alarmed since there was so much commotion going on.

"Shinobu-sama we missed you so much!" The three girls wailed in unison.

Rubbing her purple eyes, "How long was I asleep for?"

"Approximately 2-3 weeks. Don't worry no one went inside your lab, that's the rule when you're not here." Aoi comforted her.

Giyuu couldn't hold it in anymore, he shed tears into her bedside.

He was so relieved he burst into tears, palming his face on top of the sheets. Tanjiro kindly rubbed his back.

"Giyuu..Don't cry.." She giggled trying to ease him.

"I'm still a bit weary, and confused on why so many people happen to be here when I'm awake."

"Oh sorry about that, me and my friends will be taking our leave now. Get better soon Kocho-sama!" Tanjiro have a polite bow before leaving with the other two.

"Uh, Gi- Tomioka-san you've been holding my hand since the moment I got up." Honestly he was so surprised that she could hold her sisters personality after such a long incident.

"I'll give you two a minute." Aoi left.

Silence and awkward tension filled the air. He just finished crying and didn't know what to say, if not he hoped to just have word vomit.

"I'm sorry." They spoke at the same time in unison. Creating more awkward energy.

"Kocho you have no reason to be sorry, you dragged my ass halfway to the butterfly estate and you can barely lift up my arm without support."

"You saved me first, we're both lucky if the crew didn't arrive sooner both of our injuries would've been fatal."

He didn't care if he would've died or not, he cared if her life was in risk. If her life was on the line he would care. 

Sitting up straight again he was once again found speechless. They both couldn't take in what they had just endured. Uppermoon two, no going into Kochos lab, Life or death blah blah blah.

Knowing he was still wasn't fully recovered he decided right then and there that he'd become her caretaker. He didn't know if it was jealousy or just coincidence but she always takes care of him. Aoi brings him meals but that's it.

"Right- You're probably thirsty from just waking up I'll get you something to eat too." He eagerly jogged to the kitchen.

Days pass by and he still hasn't left her side for a bit. He'd measure her temperature daily and exam her wounds to make sure they weren't infected with her guidance. Aoi has attempted to try to take care of her at first but started to realize it was free labor from Giyuu so she'd just bring meals and bring medical items for him to handle.

He'd keep a schedule of her antibiotics and medicines she had to take to get fully healed. Although he still wasn't granted permission to enter her lab, one of the girls would fetch the medicines for him.

Whenever she tried to get something for herself or even stand up to go to the bathroom he'd insist to do it for her. Even started to carrying her to the bathroom and standing outside to carry her back.

Really after some weeks all this extra commotion wasn't needed but he stuck to the routine anyway. Not until she was 100 percent healthy again.

She enjoyed how careful he was with her and was kinda of a payment for all the times she'd care for him. Although she really didn't mind caring for him without payment in return.

Their conversations stayed short and sweet as always. But actions speak louder than words and his actions were crystal clear.