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It's been a week since the mother and daughter arrived at the small house and everything has been peaceful, a few arguments happened but nothing out of the original. Nayeon spent most of her time on the couch watching TV or still being on the couch, texting Hobi.

It was a little hard texting him cause of the different time zone with her being halfway around the world. They were so use to being a few inches apart from each other so they both had difficulty adjusting to it.

Both her mom and Nonna were out running errands so this was the first time she was actually going to call him instead of text him. She tapped on the little video call button and waited for him to answer. He don't answered the call so she hang up and saw he was typing.

<Did you mean to call me?]

[ Yes😭>

< Oh shit]

He called her back, she of course answered the call. "Why would you think I accidentally called you?" She yelled playfully as she saw his face on her screen.

"I wasn't expecting you to call me." He replied.

"It was a surprise you dummy. I'm home alone."

"You could've just told me that."

"That would've ruin the surprise." She giggled and smiled widely. He just rolled his eyes and smiled back.

"But seriously how is everything over there?" He asked in a worried manner.

"It's going good." She started off. "Me and my mom were staying with one of her friends and he was nice I guess. He was a little ignorant though, when my mom told him I don't speak a lot of English he continued speaking as if she didn't say anything."

"Why aren't you staying with him anymore?" He asked again, wondering why she wasn't there but also glad she wasn't.

"I think they got into an argument and it got pretty bad. He left for work early and my mom was crying really hard. She won't tell me what's it's about and I wasn't there when it happened, I was upstairs and didn't know it was going on. All I know is that she returned a case of something earlier when we were at the store that day. I didn't know what it said but it was a blue box and it was heavy and made a clicking noise when it moved. My mom wouldn't tell me what it was but I think it was a case of beer." She said in a hushed voice, she was afraid Hoseok would get mad.

"Was there anything suspicious about his house?" Hoseok asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

"His house smelled like um, you're going to get angry. Please don't get mad." She pleaded as she looked away from him.

"His house smelled like alcohol didn't it?" The tone of his voice went lower and if they weren't having this conversation, Nayeon would've thought it was hot.

"Yes, it was faint though. Like he tried to cover it up." She asked looking at him.

"I'm not angry at you baby, I'm glad you're out of there and you didn't have to hide that from me."

"I know it's just I didn't know how to tell you." She pouted and looked at him displayed on her screen. He was laying in bed with the camera above his face. His hair pushed back so you can see his forehead, his honey skin clear with only a few bumps here and there and his left arm behind his head. "God you're so hot." She said unexpectedly as she really missed seeing him in person.

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