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Everything was just a damn headache to Nayeon. She though being on maternity leave would be stress free but it has been anything but that. She has been stressed about her baby and the fact she was going to have to push her baby out in a few weeks and stressed about what she was going to do after that.

Every day felt like a copy of the day before with just a little more stress added. Her days did have little highlights in it though, like seeing Hobi excited to see her when he got home from work or feeling the baby kick her even though it was annoying.

Her days had a new activity too, driving Ami to and from school; it was part of her agreement with her dad to go on maternity leave early. All she had to do was get her to school on time, which sounded easy enough. The first week was hard only cause she had to wake up early in the morning and drive across town to go get Ami but it became earlier as time went on.

Nayeon pull up in front of her house, waiting on her to come outside. She came out her house a few minutes later and hopped in her car. "Good morning!" She chirped.

"Good morning." Nayeon found out over the past two weeks that the girl was very cheerful and kind, nothing like the girl she saw in the office every morning.

"How's the baby, has he been naughty?" She buckled up as Nayeon started driving.

"No he's been good, really hungry lately though. Feel like I need to eat something every hour so my stomach doesn't feel like it's caving in."

"That only means he loves your cooking, he just can't get enough of it." Her words caused Nayeon to smile.

"Yea, he's trying to get all he can before he comes out cause all he can have is some nasty ass baby food for who knows how long." Nayeon stopped at a red light.

"You can make your own baby food though, that's what my aunt did." Ami said.

"I'll look into it, my schedule is free all day." They continue to talk till they got to school. They said goodbye to each other, Nayeon watched her go in and then left to go back to her apartment. 2:40 came quickly as she was already in line at the front of the school, ready to pick Ami up.

The girl was in her car a minute later, already talking about her day. "So you know that girl with the red hair, she was talking to her friend about how her boyfriend was in freshman's DMs again and her friend's responses made it so hard not to laugh. She was calling her dumb for not breaking up with him and letting him embarrass her like that."

"As she should, she should've slapped her dumbass too." Nayeon commented. "Do you know who her boyfriend is?"

"He's in college I think." Nayeon almost hollered.

"I pray that those freshman have some damn sense and not fool around with him."

"You know damn well they don't, they see someone older with a job and a car, all of a sudden they acted like they have no sense." Ami ranted. "That's how I was made, my mom was fooling around with a 22 year old and got knock up at 14."

Nayeon was a little shocked to hear her talking about her family, over the short time she known her, she never talked about her family and it seemed like a touchy subject. She didn't know how to respond to that, she wanted to hear more but didn't want to pry it out of her.

Ami could sense that she didn't know how to respond to it. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things awkward."

"No, no, it's fine. If you want to talk about it you can." She reassured.

"I don't know, we don't have a lot of time too."

"I can pull over so you can talk, I'll even get us some food to munch on." Nayeon exclaimed.

"Alright." She agreed and soon go some food and was parked in an empty parking lot. "So where do you want me to start?"

"Whatever you want to start, there's no pressure."

"Ok, so as I say before, my mom got pregnant when she was 14 and had me at 15. I know it couldn't have been easy for her, she was always stressed out and angry. She got worked up so easily and always took it out on me, screaming at me, threatening to hit me. It took a while before my grandma and aunt stepped in and sent her somewhere to get help." She started off.

"The place she went to work for a bit but then it started back up again and was worse. I had to move in with my aunt, my mom got worse and start doing things that got her in rehab, my aunt won't tell me what she did to get put in rehab but she was in there for a while. She got out when I was 13 and I started living with her again. She seems fine but I can tell she's starting to fall into old habits." Ami finished.

Nayeon was left speechless. "Come here baby." She pulled her into a tight hug that Ami was happy to accept.

"It sucks but it's nothing I can't handle." Ami said after they pulled away from the hug.

"Ami, you're one of the toughest people I know but always remember that you're human at the end of the day and if you ever need someone to vent to I'm always one call away." Nayeon wanted her to know that.

"I know Nayeon and I would in a heartbeat." Ami was glad to have a friend like Nayeon. "Now that that's over, let's eat cause I bet that baby is hungry."

"You know he is." The two of them laughed as they started eating.

Hi besties 🥰

So I saw that other authors made an Instagram account for like Wattpad and I have an extra account I'm not using at the moment so like me know if you wanna see a Wattpad Instagram account

( no one knows I have to account so it's not like my friends will see it )

And I was thinking about how much I grew in writing because I was thinking about a character that will be in the second book and I was adding a little but important detail and realized how much I actually grown at writing

Like I knew I grew but never how much, I realized how much time I spend thinking about the plot and how to build up to it, how to format something to give off the emotion I want it to, how I always try to make the beginning sentence eye catching, or how I word my sentences

I also realized why this book is so long is because I had no clue where I was going with the plot and was just going with the first thought that came to mind

And you can obviously see the difference with this book's first few chapters and it's last few chapters and god are they different 😭😭😭

Also I wanna thank y'all for being with me on this writing journey even tho this book still has a few more chapters and a whole other book 🤪

Not gonna lie, if I was a reader I would go crazy over my shit, as I should honestly

Anyways I'm going to go now after writing most of this chapter in one setting

I love y'all 💞

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