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"Kissy kiss," Nayeon pucker her lips. Hoseok leaned into her kissy lips as he pecked them multiple times causing her lips to form a big smile. Her face move to his soft chest to inhale his scent for the last time. They just finished packing up her stuff and she was about to leave his apartment. "I'll miss you," She muttered into his chest.

"I'll miss you too, baby," Hoseok lifted up her face to look at him. She smiled when he leaned forward to kiss her again then she kissed him then he kissed her and on and on. Till they were going back and forward to see who'll get the last kiss.

Nayeon leaned back causing him to lean nothing and open his eyes. "I win," She slung her book bag strap over her shoulder and headed for the door.

"I'll get you next time," Hoseok said as soon as she opened the door to go outside.

"Ok and you can kiss my ass next time while you're at it," Nayeon sarcastically expressed while she lefted the house.

"That's sounds tempting, so maybe I will next time," Hoseok winked at the girl who was now on his doorsteps.

"Whatever bye, lover boy," Nayeon scoffed as she was about to close the door till a few seconds later the door was pulled back opened.

"Aye, I love you," Hoseok sweetly chirped as his head peeled out of the door way.

"I love you too," Nayeon chirped back to him as he slowly closed the door during the time she was starting to walk back to her apartment door. She unlocked it and went into to see the dead place. She stepped inside to close the door behind her and walk up to her room to change her clothes.

She was not about to be walking around her mom smelling like her man's house.

She got up to her room to empty out her bag and sort all of the stuff out to their rightful places as she wanted it to look like she was there all week. After that, she threw the bag into her closet and changed into something different.

Nayeon then went downstairs to watch television till her mom got home. She sat on the couch listening to the TV for around 30 minutes when the front door opened.

"Nayeon," Her mom sang as she entered the door. She saw Nayeon on the couch watching TV and dragged her suitcases in all the way in through the door. "How have you been," She then proceeds to ask.

"Good, I missed you," Nayeon voiced while getting up from the couch to greet her mom and help her with her suitcases.

"Just put them there, I'll bring up to my room in a second," Her mom stated as she pitted them near the front door. Nayeon put the suitcases there too and went to follow her mom who went to go check things out in the kitchen. She was looking through the fridge to see what Nayeon did and didn't eat.

"Hmm," Maria hummed as she closed the fridge satisfied and walked the the hall closet. She opened it to see everything was organized and tidy, her eyes soon went to the place she put the hundred dollars in. As expected the it wasn't there. "Nayeon why is the money not here and there is no groceries in the fridge? Do you spend it on something besides groceries?" Her mom asked curiously.

Nayeon's heart skipped a few beats as most of the groceries she had brought were over next door, at her boyfriend's house. Which happens to also be her dance teacher.

"I started cleaning the closet the day after you left so I could already have the money and went to buy some groceries so I didn't have to wait till all the food was gone," Nayeon threw out a lie. Her mother looked at her daughter to see if she was lying to her.

Fortunately her mom believed her and let her off the hook. "Mia figlia, in a little while can you go run up to the cafè down the street and get us something to eat," Her mom said as she went to go pick up her suitcase from the front door.

"When?" Nayeon asked as she went back to go sit on the couch.

"Before it gets dark," Her mother yelled as she was now in her room. Nayeon looked outside and saw that the sun will probably out for about another hour.

"I'll head out now so it won't get dark on me when in walking home," Nayeon yelled as she when to go put on her shoes and grab some money from her mom's wallet. She went to the Cafè and got some food and drinks for her mom and herself.

Nayeon came back to her apartment and set the bags of food on the dining table. "Mom, I'm home," Nayeon yelled out.

"What did you get?" Her mom came out of her room.

"A sweet tea and a Coke with two BLT and some potatoes chips," Nayeon opened the bag of food to show her mom. Her mom nodded as she grabbed one of the boxes and pulled out a chair to seat down on with her daughter doing the same.

They just sat down and ate their food as they talked about random stuff. Just enjoying the time they had together.

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