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The morning after that day, Maria and her mom were back that the house. They were seeing what damage was actually done. They opened the door to see the living room and saw broken glass and blood all over the rug. Maria felt sad all over again as she walked farther inside.

She looked at the now broken glass coffee table and noticed that there wasn't only the glass from the coffee table. There was dark brown glass mixed with the clear glass, they all had some amount of blood on them. She looked closer at the brown glass and notice a label on it, it read in big white letters 'Bud Light'.

Maria had almost hit the table, it was a fucking glass beer bottle that had broke the glass. It had also broke the glass right where her daughter was sitting at. She looked over at the window that was next to the door, there was a big hole in it.

"Someone throw a fucking beer bottle through the window and it hit the coffee table." Maria yelled, getting up.

"What?" Her mom said.

"Some bastard must had been drunk and thrown their beer bottle and it hit our window." Maria repeated.

"Should we call the police?"

"I guess so, it's the only thing we really can do." She answered. She walked into a different room and called them, she told them what had happened. They said they'll be there soon and to hang tight.

The two waited outside on the porch for them to arrive. They soon pull up in their driveway and stepped out of their car. A tall man walked up to the porch with his female partner. Maria started to explain what had happened to the cops.

"She's in the hospital right now, she got stitches." She explained.

"Ok can we take a look inside." The man said, the mother and daughter nodded and opened the door to let them inside. The cops went over to the broken glass and blood.

"The thing the broke the window and the coffee table was a beer bottle." She explained. One of the cops nodded and took out a notepad and wrote it down. They asked a few more questions and wrote it all down.

"Did you see anything suspicious?" One of the cops asked.

"No we just came inside and boom." Maria answered.

"Would you mind if we talked to your neighbors?"

"No, go ahead." Maria told them. The cops went outside with the two woman following them. The neighbor to the right of the house was unloading something from her car when she saw them.

She stopped and went over to talk to them. "Hey is everything ok, I heard some weird noises yesterday?" She asked to Maria.

"Well someone throw a beer bottle into our window." The woman gasped.

"Was anyone hurt?" She asked again.

"My daughter, the bottle hit the glass coffee table, breaking it and she was sitting near it." Maria explained. "She's in the hospital with 6 stitches."

"Oh my gosh! People can really be so evil on today's world. Look if you need anything I'm always here to help." She beamed.

"Actually the cops were wondering if anyone saw anything suspicious." Maria said.

"Oh that's why I came over here." She said, by that time the female officer was next to the two while the male officer was down the street asking questions. "I was outside yesterday doing some gardening and I saw this man park his car at that house over there and he stumbled out. He seemed to be drunk but I didn't realize it at the moment. By that time I was heading inside as I was done with gardening and a couple minutes after I went inside I heard some loud noises coming from over here." She explained.

"What did the car look like ma'am?"

"A red Buick, the red was shiny like he just got it back from the shop."

"Did it have a college sticker on the back window?" Maria quickly asked knowing someone with that type of car. The officer and the woman looked at her.

"Yes, Georgia Southern."

"Do you know someone with that car ma'am?" The officer asked writing down some notes.

"Yes, he's an old friend of mine."

"Can you describe him to us?"

"Sure, tall, around 6'5", white, brown hair and eyes." She explained.

"Yea, the man looked very similar to what you just said." The neighbor said.

"What is his name?"

"Derek Newman." Maria answered.

"We'll see if he's in our files, can we get your numbers so we can contact y'all if we find anything." The officer said getting their contact information, she also told them not to contact him to avoid any more problems.

The officer said goodbye to them and went back to the cop car where her partner was waiting for her. They drive off, Maria sighed as she was still next to the nice woman.

"I'm glad I was able to help you, remember if you need anything I'm always next door. My home will always welcome you."

"Thank you." Maria smiled.

"If you don't mind, you and your mom can come over in a bit and I can make you some tea to help calm y'all down before you all go back to the hospital." She offered.

"We're love that, just give us a minute please." Maria said as the woman nodded and walked back to her car to pick up the things she left.

Maria went over to her mom that was sitting on the porch. "Well we have a suspect."

"Who is it?" She asked.

"Fucking Derek."

Again I just want to warn y'all I have NO CLUE what would go on in this situation so excuse that

But anyways I love y'all 💕

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