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"Here you go." Nayeon smiled as she give the junior her transcript. After the student left she was alone in the office, Momo was supposed to be there any minute now.

College was going good for the two, Nayeon was majoring in Dance and minoring in Business Management while Momo was majoring in Business Management and minoring in Dance. They always laughed about how their major and minor were the opposite of the other.

It came in handy once when they had the same class. They had a final exam in that class and of course they were stressed when it was time to take it, like they were crying on the phone together at 2 in the morning while studying stressed.

Despite their pitiful studying sessions, their scores came back good, which made them and their boyfriends happy. Momo's dads got used to Jimin dating their daughter, with it still being weird at times though. While that was all playing out, no one had a clue that Nayeon and Hoseok were dating except her mom and Momo of course. Her dad and them just thought cause she was in his class that they were close to each other, which had some truth to it.

Her dad also excused them always talking during school hours as them becoming friends and not just a student and a teacher. He was happy they and everyone were getting along. If she was not talking to him, Momo or helping a student out she would do some of the papers that were always on her desk.

She was doing one transcript from another student while she was waiting on Momo to show up. She felt her phone vibrate and went to quickly look at it; it was Hobi was had texted her.

You free tonight

Of course she was but she knew what would happen if she came over there and it would have her limping for days.

A couple nights before she was messing around and teasing the man, knowing how bad it would end for her. After two hours of endless teasing he had enough of her shit and suggested he come over there to see how brave she was to say that shit when she's on his dick.

She managed to get out of getting the brains fucked out of her and avoided the man due to it being the weekend and them not being in the same building but today her luck might not be as good. Over the weekend she had also been teasing him endlessly with videos of her playing with herself, nudes, and just her being a brat.

Her teasing made him sexually frustrated but she enjoyed it so she kept doing it. His sexual frustration turned into slight anger and cause him to be irritated with everything so it didn't surprise her when she got his text asking if she was free.

Guess his right hand wasn't doing the job and he needed his toy to satisfy his needs.

Nayeon was honestly a bit scared to go over there knowing he'll go all in on her. But on the other hand, it'll be better to address the situation cause if she drags it out any longer she'll be in a wheelchair.

Yea, what time you want me to be over

Nayeon knew she was gonna get fucked up but her pussy didn't seem to mind as it was getting wetter by the second. She had to remind herself that she was at work and had to push through the day to get the reward.

Whenever you're free, make sure you can stay for a few hours

Well controlling her pussy just got harder, she only had two hours left till they could link up. And how those two hours couldn't come slower, the only good thing is that Momo showed up and was entertaining her.

"I'm going over to Hobi's later." Nayeon whispered as she was done organizing her desk.

"Ouuuu, and what's that about." Momo already knew what was gonna go down, she just wanted to know the reason for it.

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