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Nayeon and her group were waiting on being called up to do their choreography they worked on all this week. She was looking at the group that was now presenting, they were a boy group. All the group's attention was on them as they were preform a very synchronize choreography.

Nayeon caught Mr. Jung eyes a few times during the performance.

'Look at the people preforming not me,' She said with her eyes to Mr. Jung. He slightly rolled his eyes and look at the group that was preforming.

The groups of boys were soon done preforming and the class erupted in clapping sound or complements for the group. They went to go sit down while Mr. Jung called up the next group. He looked at Nayeon and her group. She just knew he was going to call her group next.

"Nayeon's group comes to the center to preform," Mr. Jung looked at his clipboard. Nayeon and her group went into the center of the classroom and get into position to start the dance. After a few seconds they started their choreography.

Mr. Jung was looking at Nayeon the entire preformance. He just couldn't keep his eyes off her during it. Even after the performance was over and she was going to her seat. And these actions didn't unnoticed my Nayeon, she managed to avoid talking to him all week but not his stares. They made her feel so little and so unfamiliar with her feelings. Like as if something jamais vu like, it's a feeling that you know or recognize, but it still seems so unfamiliar. She felt it before, she knows she had, but why was it so foreign to her.

She sat down bewilderedly next to her group whilst Mr. Jung was still eyeing her down. His eyes were still taking peeks at her till the class was over. All the students get up and went into the locker rooms to change. Most of them came out the locker room within a couple minutes.

Nayeon walked out of locker room with Momo to once meet Mr. Jung's eyes on her. Momo didn't take account of this but Nayeon sure as hell did. She wanted to look at him but couldn't find the courage to. She ushered Momo to go quicker so they could get out there faster.

Mr. Jung's face saddens at the sight of his crush, you can say, just straight up ignored him. It feel like finding out your best friend was  sleeping with your boyfriend, heart broken and betrayed. Even though Nayeon hadn't done anything to make him feel betrayed, it was his feelings.

He had manage to keep them packed and sealed away so he could never hurt him after his first true love lefted him for a different man. But Nayeon, Nayeon somehow opened the door to his feelings, leading him to do the kiss, stalking her on Instagram, and etc.

But she was his student and a minor, so she was off limits. But really was she. Fuck this was hurting his head. All the students left his classroom to go to lunch as two of his friends came into his classroom.

"Hoseok what's up," Jimin walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"The sky," Jin walked in behind him laughing.

"Really Jin," Jimin looked at his friend.

"Yes," Jimin just rolled his eyes at his friend,"But really what is up."

"Nothing, I'm just waiting on the sophomores," Hoseok answers.

"Well then you clearly forgot about the faculty meeting we all have," Jimin said,"It started in ten minutes, bring something to write on."

Hoseok facepalm himself as he must have forgotten about the meeting when he was thinking of Nayeon.

"See you in ten," Jin said as both of them walked out. Hoseok nodded as he went into his bag and took out the stuff he needed for the meeting. It was a meeting for the exams that will be held in a few weeks. It'll be discussing all about the exam, to where it'll be take at, to which grades will take it on which days, and which teachers will monitor the testing area, so no one will cheat. Hoseok soon made his way to the meeting.

While all of that was happening, Nayeon and Momo were sitting at a table eating their lunch. The couple disappeared to somewhere, so the girls were eating without them. They were just talking about random stuff until the bell rang. They both picked up their stuff and went to their next class, but not after waving goodbye to each other.

The day ended very quickly for Nayeon, as before she knew it, it was time for her to go home. She was walking outside the school as the walker bell rang just a few seconds ago, student and some staff were leaving.

Mr. Jung was one of those staffs members, he was just about to get into his car when he notice Nayeon walking, she was on her phone doing something. He just brushed off all of his thoughts about the teenage girl and started his car. He backed up when all of the students weren't in the middle of the road and went to his house. On the way there he saw Nayeon walking to the same apartment complex as he's driving to.

That thought just itself drive him crazy. Knowing that she could a wall away from him at all time. Knowing their bedrooms could be a wall away from each other. Knowing even if she spoke a bit too loud he could hear her through the words. They all drive him insane.

He soon pull up into his apartment complex when Nayeon was turning inside. He pull up in front of his apartment and went out of his car and up to the door. He opened it and went inside.

Later that day Nayeon was just up in her room, chilling some anime. She had it loud but her screams were even louder, as soon as one of her favorite characters appeared on the screen all sexy and such she would scream.

On the other side of the wall, Hoseok was just listening to her. Not in a creepy way of course, he was just laying on his bed on his phone when he heard Nayeon screaming over something.


Hoseok smiled upon hearing this, he loved when she was all hyped up over something so little. And again with the thoughts, it drive him insane. The fact she was across the wall and he could actually heard her drive him to the brink of insanity.

"OKKKKKKKK," Nayeon yelled as Hoseok nearly lost his mind. He wanted this stupid thing to be over with, he just wanted to be with her despite on how she felt about him.

He open up the Instagram app on his phone and click on Nayeon's tab.

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