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Dating Yeeun felt like a dream. Sure, it was annoying having to endure Eunbin's constant teasing because "she had been right". Yeeun made up for however annoying Eunbin was. Besides, any free time she had was spent at Yeeun's apartment. What was meant to be a dinner at Yeeun's place turned into a weekend of them tangled up in the sheets together till Monday morning. Elkie had nothing to complain about. She always fell hard and fast when she liked someone, and Yeeun was no exception.

Yeeun's body was curved perfectly around her own, naked skin connecting them in the gentlest of embraces. Elkie wasn't entirely sure she was awake, everything felt to heavenly and perfect to be real.

As if she were dreaming, Yeeun's lips traced her shoulder blades, occasionally landing gentle and loving kisses. Her hands were around Elkie's waist, and they were slowly moving down to hold her hips.

"Yeeun," Elkie whispered, eyes closed to savor the moment.

Yeeun's lips moved to the shell of her ear. "Yes darling?" She whispered breathily, and Elkie swore she could hear a smile in her voice.

"What time is it?"

"It's around 6," Yeeun pressed a kiss on the back of her neck. Elkie subtly leaned into her further, craving more connection. Her brain still felt hazy with sleep.

"So early," Elkie groaned.

"Go back to sleep, then, I'll wake you up,"

"What about you?" Elkie's brow furrowed.

Yeeun giggled, pulling Elkie onto her back to kiss her more deeply. "I've been awake for a while now. Sorry to disturb you,"

Elkie reached out a hand to place on Yeeun's cheek, admiring her face. "You didn't disturb me. You don't have to stay here while I sleep either,"

Yeeun pouted. "I like seeing you like this,"

When Elkie cocked her head, Yeeun leaned down again and kissed her lips. Elkie sucked in a breath when Yeeun slipped her tongue inside, hands now grasping at her back. When Elkie started to get low on air, Yeeun moved down to her jawline.

"You look so cute while you sleep," Yeeun gushed. "So peaceful. There's nothing in the world I like more than being alone with you,"

Elkie felt a lump growing in her throat. She had always had a hard time conveying her feelings to Yeeun, but Yeeun clearly had no trouble. Her words were so genuine that Elkie felt tears growing in her eyes.

"Aw, don't cry," Yeeun laughed as she wiped the tears from Elkie's cheeks.

"I'm not!" Elkie sniffled, looking away. "It's just a cold,"

"Sure," Yeeun smiled knowingly, now reaching down to lay a hand on Elkie's hip. "Stay here, I'm just gonna grab something," She sat up, pulling the covers off of them. Elkie yelped and curled into a ball, the cold air giving her goose bumps.

She relaxed then Yeeun pulled the covers over them again and the older girls weight settled on her hips. Yeeun was straddling her, a small smile on her lips.

"What did you grab?" Elkie asked curiously.

Yeeun pulled out a Polaroid camera from behind her and laughed when she saw Elkie's worried face. "Elkie, calm down, I'm not taking pictures without your permission," She brought her hand to Elkie's collarbone, tracing the line with her fingernail.

The early morning light cast shadows on the buildings outside of Yeeun's window, and Yeeun couldn't help but be in awe of how Elkie looked when they were like this. Her hair was splayed onto the pillow, and her skin glowed in the light. Yeeun would argue she looked even more beautiful without any makeup. It made her sentimental to see Elkie like this, knowing Elkie trusted her enough to fall asleep in her arms and to even entertain the idea of letting Yeeun take pictures of her.

bad girl's heart // yeeun x elkie Where stories live. Discover now