Chapter 5

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I walked around the compound a bit helping people with odd jobs. I decided to find Wanda as I had nothing else to do surprisingly.

I found her in her room watching a movie. "Hey," I said walking into her room and plopping down onto her bed "hi" she replied pausing her movie and smiling at me.

"How's it going," she asked and I groaned "as good as can be with icicle as my roomie"  I confessed. "He can't be that bad, plus he is kinda hot" Wanda proposed wiggling her eyebrows. I fake gagged expressing how disgusted I was. He was hot but would I ever say that out loud, no way, he would let it get to his head and I could never live it down.

"I'm done here," I said as I walked out of her room as she called out behind me laughing.  I walked around aimlessly kinda bored. I was a member of the avengers but at the moment we didn't have as many big missions to go on.

We were still figuring out the hydra breach in shield and majority of the members were doing odd missions for that, reasoning behind us all being bunked together at a compound. We were trying to figure out what companies that worked for us had been compromised.

Only the most trustworthy were in the compound we were in explaining the lack of space but the fact Steve and I were bunked together seemed like the doing of the devil.

I gave up finding something to do and just spent the rest of the day in the lab with Bruce continuing to work on whatever he was doing.


Majestic :)

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Majestic :)

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