Chapter 13

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I woke up with a killer headache and my legs wrapped around someone. I sat up supporting my weight with my elbows.

I looked over and Steve wasn't in his bed. Well, that was kinda obvious. I nudged the guy next to me as he stirred in his sleep "out" I said as I got up myself collecting my clothes and making my way to the bathroom.

I hopped in the shower sitting on the floor for a second as I processed everything. Had I overreacted with Steve yesterday? To be fair it wasn't his place to speak but then he also shouldn't have answered for me.

The water started running cold before I decided to get out and get dressed. I put on a simple white shirt with some black shorts and some running shoes. I brushed out my wet tangled hair and decided to let it air dry before heading out to go for a run.

I was about half an hour in before I was suddenly accompanied by Bucky. "What even" I questioned as I stopped and took my AirPods out.

"We heard the fight yesterday," he said as I started running again. "Ok," I said unsure of what else to say "I promise he was only doing what he thought best" Bucky continued and I nodded.

"Listen I didn't ask for his help so I don't know why he did it," I said. I stopped to do some cool-down stretches as we reached the compound "we aren't friends and I don't think we ever will be" I added before jogging in to head back to my room.



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