ifirst crush

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Sorry for the looooooooooooong wait, got writers block...:I, anyways hope you like this chapter of my story :)

*-* bakura's pov *-*

Through out the whole day ive been staring at ryou's friend that is also my classmate, like how can i not notice him before?! He litterally shines every room he walks into yet i didnt notice him, ugh i mentally face palmed myself. His hair looks so soft, and his eyes...i can stare into those eyes for a million years. Woah wait...since when do i have these thoughts for someone? I dont even find mai valentine attractive yet this boy that i just laid eyes on made me head over heels in love with him...wait did i just said "in love"?....huh, maybe i am gay afterall :I but ill doubt he is gay...ill doubt he even notice me...where are we going anyway? Ive been daydreaming all day that i dont even notice where we're goin'. Looks like the mall...oh no, i hope ryou is not going to the cupcake shop there, he'll waste all his money on cupcakes again. *sigh*

*+*ryou's pov*+*

"Here we are! At the mall! Where do you guys want to go first?" I asked them both, bakura said "definately not the cupcake shop", ugh i hate it when they forbid me from buying cupcakes its not my fault they are so delicious, marik said "there's something going on there, you wanna check it out?", we all agreed to check it out, turns out the mall has this singing competition and the winner will have a ps4 and an oculus, the prize looks tempting but unfortunately i cant sing, the contestant who is performing right now is pretty good a singing he might just win, then marik suggested "lets enter the competition", me and bakura rejected marik gave a sad face, then he smirked and ran to the side of the stage, i tried to follow him but the there were to many people. After a few minuts i saw marik walking to the center of the stage holding a microphone, then he sang..his voice is really beautiful, now i bet he will win the competition.

$.* marik's pov *.$

I just gotta win that ps4 and oculus, those two are my dream consoles. I ran to the side of and told the guy i was entering and he kindly accept, good thing this competition is open to everyone. I signed in my name and waited for my turn to sing. I hadnt really thought about what im going to sing. A rap? Slow song? Or a hiphop one?, i decided to sing a song by eminem since i loved his songs so much, but which one?, while i was thinking the host calls my name. Good thing ive decided. Now here i am standing in the middle of the stage waiting for the music. Once the music starts the crowd goes loud, they must be shocked that i wanted to sing 'without me' by eminem. I sang..or rap like there was no tommorow. Once ive finished the song, the crowed cheered and i got of the stage. Its quite fun.

*+* bakura's pov*+*

Woah, i didnt know he can rap... he didnt even miss a single word, the crowd is goin crazy, then i heard a group of girls talking about marik "wow, hes kinds cute" "yeah, he even know how to rap thats definately my type" "thats a lie!", and they continiued fighting over him, hmph like they'll get a chance of even talking to him. Me and ryou went over to him and complimented him, "haha, its not that great", ryou responded "Are you kidding?! That amazing! Even bakura is impressed!", marik looked at me and i nodded, "aww, thanks guys" he smiled that sweet caramel smile. Then we heard the host screaming on the microphone "the winner of this month's competition is......MARIK CANE!", everybody cheered and claped their hands, marik was speechless its kinda obvious that he will win. He went to the stage to retrive his prize. Many stare in jealousy cuz who wouldnt want those two consoles?, after that we went to the arcade. We spent a whole lot of money on the tokens, ryou is trying to at least get one teddy bear from the crane. Marik is playing tekken and got the third place of highscores. I was about to play DDR (dance dance revolution) then marik challanged me. Who ever loses buys the winner and ryou a smoothie. We inserted our tokens, picked the song and started dancing. Its really difficult keeping up with the arrows but i won!, marik admited defeat and bought us a smoothie. Ryou managed to win five teddy bears from the crane. Marik managed to have 30 tickets. I still have lots of tokens left so i just bought it home. The day was amazing, we walked to the park to where marik parked his motorcycle. He say our goodbyes and he left. I have a big smile on my face and a slight blush, gosh i hope ryou didnt see me.

$.$ ryou's pov$.$

I waved marik goodbye, today was amazing i wonder how bakura feels about today? I hope he will let me and marik be friends, when i was looking at bakura he has a big smile on his face and he has a tint of pink on his cheeks. What's he blushing about? Maybe....does he like marik? I dont think it will hurt to ask "hey, bakura why are you blushing?" He instantly turned to me in a shocked expression "I-IM N-NOT BLUSHING!" I gave him my 'seriously?' Face, "bakura its obvious you like him", his face turns into a deep red. Ive never seen him like this before, "fine, i like him." He admited. I smiled to him "thats so sweet bakura, finally you had a crush on someone!", he smiled to me "BUT DONT YOU DARE TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS, GOT IT!" he demanded. I just nodded my head, after that chat we went home. I wonder when will i be able to tell someone that bakura has a crush...hmmmm.

@ dats all! Hope you liked this chapter! I dont know anything on DDR, i just heard of the game. But still i hope you find this chapter amusing, g'bye!@

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