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*i dunno what to name thus chapter, sorry for the long update got no ideas for the upcoming chapter, but now i do! I guess*

*melvin's pov*

Its been five months since marik came in as a new student, in that amount of time he became friends with us easily. Hes sometimes weird though, one time we were walking through the park, we saw a family of ducks. One of the baby ducks fell into the water and he laughed while pointing at it. He instantly stoped when he saw a bunch of old ladies gave him a disaproving look. Plus, he loved watching horror and gore-ish movies. At first it was weird for us but we got over it. But for me hes still a lil weird. In a good way.

But i got this weird feeling whenever i see him, like ive seen him before he came to the school. I mean He does look alot like me, its impossible that hes my brother...or is it? He had the same scar i had under my eyes, we had the same eye colour, the same hair colour...this is all too weird for me. Ive told akefia about it but he kept telling me that its just a coincidence. Ive been meaning to tell my folks about it but i never seem to have the chance. But thankfully tonight is family night, normally we would just play games or look at old pics. Soon ill have the explanation for this shit.


The night started with us playing us playing twister, then we play some monopoli. By now its probably 12 AM and we're still playing monopoli, ishizu, odion and i got bored and gave up. So mom and dad are still at it. Im dying to tell them about marik but whenever i try to start a conversation dad will be like "SHUSH!", so in about 15 mins dad gave up (probably he knew he was about to lose) and mom was cupping one hand to her mouth and the other hand was pointing at dad and then she said "OHHHHHHHH! IN YOUR FACE!". Mom can get carried away sometimes...

After we cleaned up the living room we all sat on the floor because mom suggested that we should tell stories about what happened to us recently. So ishizu starts first, she told a story on how she and kaiba are on a date and how they almost kissed, apparently what ruined their kissing session was a flock of birds.

Next was odion, his story was about him at the swimming pool, he said that he was minding his own business when all of a sudden this random kid walks up to him with a ball and then threw the ball to his private area. The kid then ran away screaming "I DID IT!" to his friends. But at the brightside, the kid's parents caught him in the act and apolagizes to odion and the kid got a real ass whipping by his mother.

Mom and dad's day was all normal nothing special. And then it was my turn, this is a good chance to talk to them about marik. Maybe it is a coincidence though but ill just tell them anyway.

"Okay, so umm theres this kid at school that-"

Mom cut me off "DID HE BULLY YOU"

"No, let me finish...ok, so theres this kid at school who looks alot like me."

They all look at me like its no big deal "where are you getting at here?" Dad asks. "He looks alot like me! We had the same eye colour, hair colour even the same skin tone! Dont you think its weird? Its like looking at a mirror. Well, there are some differences but he still looks alot like me" they all fell silent. I get a weird feeling in my gut like theres something i dont know about this family. Mom was frozen, she looked like she had seen a ghost or something. The rest had a shocked expression on their face. At this point i cant take it anymore, "guys what the hell is going on? Why are you guys so quiet?". Mom sighed and said "melvin theres something that ive been meaning to tell you.." she stood up and went upstairs, when she got back down she's holding a big box that had the words 'bitter sweet memories' on it. Then she sat down next to me. " before i open this box i have a question for you" i nod once "what's his name?" I hesitate a bit on her question and answered " his names marik" a few seconds after i answered her question, tears filled her eyes.

I froze, i didnt expect she would cry over this. She took the box and puts it on her lap. She opened the box to reveal lots and lots of pics of two babies. At first i thought those pictures were pictures of ishizu and odion, but after she took one picture out and gave it to me...it was a picture of me and marik as a baby.

*mary (mom) pov*

Hes staring at it with disbelief, he then proceeded to look at more pictures in the box. When he finished looking through the box, he stared at me with curious eyes. "What is all this? Why is he with me when i was a baby?" He asked. I gather up all my courage and say "melvin, hes your younger twin brother". At first he thought it was a joke but when he looked at everyone having serious faces on, he knew that this was not a joke. "Okay....how did this happen? I mean if hes my brother, then how did we get seperated?" He asked. By now im literally sobbing, after ive calmed down abit, i answered his question.

"It started off as a good day, that day we were visiting my friends house, my friends house was near a forest. I was there with odion, ishizu, you and your brother. I was happily chatting with my friend about work, odion was playing video games with you, ishizu was drawing and your brother was reading a book. He came up to me with the book he read and said "mommy look! I wead a book bout a bear name paddington!", i picked him up and put him on my lap. He then tells me all about the adventure hes going to have and he even asks me for permission to go adventuring. Thinking it was for play, i gave him permission to go adventuring. He then said " don worry mommy, ill come home fashter dan you can say 'naruto the abridged series'!" After that he ran towards the room where he got the book. After a few hours there i decided that its time to go home, everyone gathered at the front door execpt for one, marik. I quickly went to the room where he was reading books to find no marik. I looked all around the house.. still no marik. In panic my friend calls 911. The police looked through the house just in case. And then a police officer came up to me and said "he left a note". He hands me the note and i read it..

Mommy, im goin adventuring
But don worry! Ill com bak with presens for everyone! ●▽●


I fell on my knees and cried, the police officers said that they will try to find him. They searched everywhere in the forest but still no sign of him. They told me not to give up faith and believe that he will come back. I keep hoping and hoping but still no signs of him...i was about to give up until you told me about him. Tell me, does he look healthy?"

He answered with a yes. And then he told me that i can meet up with him if i want. "But how?" I asked. He gave me a sinister smile and said "by visiting him and his parents!", 'F' him he knows i dont do well with visiting new people.

☏That's the end of the chapter!☎

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