Sup, new kid

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Sorry it took me a long time to continue this story, anyways lets continue shall we? ●﹏●

*+* NORMAL P.O.V *+*

when they arrived at school, they went to their classroom to see their friends  and classmates talking very excitedly about something they dont know about, curiously melvin asked akefia "kefi, what are they talking about? And its causing a ruckus too" akefia replied "not sure, i heard something about a new kid joining our class, i guess thats what theyre all talking about".

*+* Melvin's p.o.v *+*

'A new kid? How come ive never heard of this NEW kid before?' I thought, me and akefia went to join our friends and talk about this kid. When we approached them, a boy with tri-coloured hair asked us with an excited tone "hey guys! Good morning! Hey have you heard? There will be a new student! Yay! ●▽●"  "actually no we havent" then a guy named duke said "the whole class talked about it" i replied "well we havent heard of it, dont blame us" then akefia said "lets stop talking about this kid" "why?" Yugi asked, akefia replied "two reasons, one. Its annoying me and two. Teachers coming". Without warning, the teacher came and ordered us to sit at our places.

*+* NORMAL P.O.V *+*

The teacher came with a smile on his face and said "good morning every one, now as you know there is  a new student joining us today *chuckles giddily* but before that i must take the attendence check! *grabs the attendence book and holds it up in the air like thor's hammer*, melvin ishtar? Check, akefia touzokou? Check, bakura touzokou? Check, ryou touzokou? Check, yugi motou? Check, yami motou? Check, duke delvin? Check, tea gardener? Check, joey wheeler? Check, tristan taylor? Check, jaden yuki? Check, yusei fudo? Check, and mai valentine? Check, i see my students are very jolly good students that will be attending school everyday *laughs girlishly* anyway lets meet our new friend!....." it was silent until the new student shows up, everyone began murmuring, the new student is as tall as any other boy student, his skin is tan and his hair is blond, his eyes are purple and has a well built body, also speaking he looks almost exactly like melvin, except his hair goes down and not up. The student began introducing himself, "hello, my name is marik cane, im 18 and i have been adopted by two very wonderful lesbian mothers so dont question my last name", everyone had a suprised look on their face, then the teacher said "alrighty, does anyone have a question for mr.cane?" Tea gardener raised her hand and said "what happend to youre biological parents?" Everyone gave her a face that says "why would you ask him that?!", marik replied "i dont know, maybe they left me, maybe they died, maybe they thought i was useless so they threw me, who knows?" Everyone fell silent and then ryou raises his hand and said " ummm...what subject do you like the most? And why do you like that subject?" He replied " i love art because through art i can express my inner feelings like anger, sadness, joy stuff like that, i also like music class and the reason is the same thing" everybody was satisfied with both the questions and answers, then the teacher said "well now, lets continue on with the day, mr.cane you will sit down next to mr.ishtar there, okay? And for the rest of you open youre science textbooks and open them to chapter 15, title: reproduction"

*+* melvins p.o.v *+*

'Great, now the new kid is sitting next to me, and now hes gonna ask my name and asks if he and i can be friends' i thought, but when he sits next to me he instantly grabs his textbook and turns to chapter 15, does he want to be a loner or something? And why does he look like me?! Maybe its just a coincidence that we look the same. *groans* And so the boring day of learning starts.

*+* marik's p.o.v *+*

'I love this subject, mainly because we are learing about reproduction and im really a dirty minded person, Oh now the teacher is explaining how the sperm works, hahahaah oh my gosh this would be even better with a video, that reminds me i should check if there is a new video in pewdiepies channel (PEWDS! ●﹏●) yeah, i hope he plays another horror game, hahahahahah i remember one time he plays five nights at freddies and curses alot, haahahh i love that vid, oh no the teacher is about to ask me a question!' And thats how my thoughts end, and woke me up with the teacher asking me a question "mr.cane, whats the name of a male that loves another male, and a female loves another female?" I replied " uh, its homosexuallity sir" he asked again " and is it possible for the woman to have a baby without the man?" I replied "no, because the female egg needs a sperm for it to become a baby." (I think this is right, cuz i learned it from school but im not sure. :p) the teachers praises me for my right answer and then continues teaching, i dont even know why would he pick such an easy question for questioning students. Whatever, im going back to day dreaming.

Thank you for reading my fanfic, and if there is any flaw just comment it and ill try to improve my flaws, and the whole 'cane' thing is my o.c's last name and i thought it would be okay if i made them to be mariks parents, so anyways bye and ill try to be back for the third chapter,●﹏● bye then

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