chapter 1 in the trenches

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It is the 40th millennia and there is only war with factions fighting each other and occasional skirmishes amongst each other it may seem like there is no end but then there's me

Lucas get up it's almost time

 Lucas get up it's almost time

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(Name Lucas)

I get up from my bunk and I get my helmet and my rifle from my time here you learn to just keep your gas mask on at all times and pretty much everyone else does the same you learn to treat it like a second skin because basically will save your life in the event of a gas attack of some sort

High-ranking officer: you trooper report your name and rank

Lucas: sir corporal Lucas 2nd battalion deathcore of krieg

Officer: well corporal you will be leading the charge today we leave in the next couple hours make sure you're prepared

Lucas: sir yes sir

And with that he walks away to go address any of the other high-ranking officers if not the general who is most likely a bit of a ways away from the main front lines

(Time skip to 1 minute before the frontal charge)

Everyone is lined up into their rows and sections everyone is ready to go once they hear that whistle

Commissar checks his watch and says

Commissar: fix bayonets prepare for combat prepare to go over

Every single last one of us starts fixing our bayonets 2 AR rifles I take one last deep breath for charging over the trench

(Time skip)

??? POV

It was the middle of the night and I was taking a midnight stroll and admiring the moonlit sky and the sky had barely any clouds above

I kept walking for a little bit more that was until I saw somebody laying in the middle of the path what looked to be like scorch marks all around him I wondered if he was okay so I decided to investigate

???: Hey are you okay

But I got no response I can tell whoever this was was injured

I turned them over and saw this guy that was wearing a gas mask and wearing some kind of armor on his shoulders and would look to be a rifle right next to him

I can hear him breathing for the gas mask so I picked them up and grabbed his rifle and carried him back to my car to take care of them back at my house

(Small-time skip)

We arrived back at my car and I put him in the backseat letting him rest there and I put his rifle in the trunk

???:Don't worry whoever you are I'll find a way to to help you

But there was no response from him as you was unconscious or already asleep

(And that'll do it for this chapter I might do another one in the future so yeah I guess let me know how you like it so far I guess I don't know)

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