chapter 6 discovery and knowledge

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I awoke to the site of Sarah still asleep and her arms wrapped around me still from last night. I kissed her once on her nose and she started to awaken

Sarah:mmh... Hey sweetie last night was fun

Lucas: yeah it was fun but would you like me to make some breakfast today

Sarah: yes please I've actually never had you cook before and I'm kind of curious what you're capable of

Lucas: okay then you lie here and I'll be back

I got up out of the bed pulling my member out of her pussy with a slight moan from the both of us.I made my way to the kitchen opened up the fridge and looked around to see what I was able to cook up.

A few minutes go by and I come back to the bedroom with some eggs bacon and a sausage for the both of us

Sarah started to sniff the air and I can tell she like the scent of the breakfast

Sarah: mmh smells pretty good thanks so much for making breakfast

Lucas: you're welcome it was my pleasure to make something for you today

I put the plate in front of her and we started to eat the breakfast before continuing on with the rest of the day

Lucas: so any plans for today?

Sarah: well I was about to go off to my job in like an hour so I'll be back soon okay

Lucas: so I'm going to lay low because I don't really know how your people work or the government here and if there are other humans?

Sarah: nope I think you're practically the only one

Lucas: well alright for now I guess I'll just stay put and try to do some kind of research

Sarah hugs me trying to give some comfort. So I decided to hug her back as well and we stay like this for a good couple minutes before was time for her to go

When it was time for her to go we gave each other one last hug and a small little kiss on the side of each other's cheeks. From there I went over and turned on the TV from where I was from be called the vox caster. A TV and the vox look a lot different from each other I will say that now. I flipped around some channels and I landed on a news report

TV announcer: and recent news astronomers have located in unknown the bazaar event happening on the edge of our solar system. It appears to be lights off in the distance fading and brightening with each passing minute it is unknown what they are or what is causing them.

Lucas: strange those look kind of familiar but it couldn't be whatever

I continue to listen to the news to see if I can find out anything else and the day just went bye.

If you hours later and I can hear the door opening.

Sarah: hey sweetheart I'm home anything happen while I was gone

She walked right up next to me and and sat down laying her head down in my lap

Lucas: no not really just some weird thing going on out in the middle of space at the edge of the solar system

Sarah: well that sounds weird what do you think it is

Lucas: well I'm hesitant to say at but I think that might be a space battle but for who they are I'm not sure or it could just be an anomaly in space

Sarah: really a space battle have you been in one

Lucas: kind of I mean I was on a dropship as soon as it started so we kind of descended to the planet surface before I got to see it really start to pick up

Sarah: well whatever it is it can't be that good

I grabbed her hand and I hold it and rubbing her head with my other hand

Lucas: well it's pretty far out and we don't really know what it is so only time will tell right

Sarah: yeah you do have a point but can I lay like this for the rest of the night pwease

Lucas: awww all right well you get some rest I'll probably up for a little bit longer then I'll join you

Sarah: okay good night

I kissed the top of her head and she closed her eyes trying to sleep. Meanwhile I was still watching and listening to the TV for anything else important

Meanwhile in another place

The Halls where empty and silent no noises could be heard. The inhabitants meanwhile we're slowly stirring back from their long slumber fru the immaterial of the warp. Computers buzzed to life displaying lines of code and binary that only the tech priest could read and understand.

several of the already awoken check priest for discussing something






The doors opened up and pilots stepped into the room and took their place the wind screens covering and protecting the bridge opened up slowly revealing the planet they were currently above

Tech priest report
One of them said out loud to one of the tech priest

Tech priest 1: sir we have traced this signal and phenomenon to this planet that we are currently hovering above.but as far as what the signal is and who or what is a committing it we cannot say for certain.

Tech priest 2: it may be possible that it is a distress signal but another possibility that I have just considered it could be a tomb world for the necrons.

Tech priest 3: if I may interrupt captain the possibility of what my colleagues are saying are high but it is a slight Gamble. I suggest we send an expedition Force consisting of no more no less than three guardsmen and 3 tech priests

The captain has a slight worried look on his face

Captain: fine I will allow this but I want regular check-ups from the surface I want updates every day that you are on that world. find out what this place is and report back as soon as possible

All three of the tech priest baldur heads in agreement. But just then another tech priest with a guardsman burst in to the bridge.

Guardsman: sir we have spotted a positive ID of a guardsman iff tag on the planet surface it belongs to the death core of krieg.

Tech priest 4: yes it is indeed a guardsman down there I have confirmed his iff tag to be trooper 1945 AKA Lucas last seen several cycles ago with his regiment at first to be fought as Kia. But it is undoubtably his tag his heart rate and everything is positive he's alive

Captain: all the more reason to get down there have you been able to make contact with him at all?

Guardsman: well you see sir we have I've been unable to contact him his helmet mountain vox may be damaged

Captain:That's all I need to hear them prepare an expedition Force immediately

(To be continued)
(Hey guys sorry that it took me this long to post this but I've just been feeling out of it but hey screw it this is what I came up with overtime and I hope you all enjoyed it see you hopefully in the next chapter!!!)

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