chapter 2 strange Ally

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I woke up in a bed and my head was quite literally killing me it hurted like hell had literally punched me into a brick wall and then proceeded to punch my guts out the only soothing thing I can hear was the rain outside but the question is where is here?

I tried to lift myself up but was immediately greeted with another shot of pain in my side.

Lucas:Mmh ow....fuck

I said quietly to myself.
I looked around wondering where the hell I was doesn't look familiar to me

The only thing was I still had all of my gear on even my mask

I try to get up from the bed to discover where I am

Walking over to the door and opening it I try to move further into this building to see if I can find someone or anybody that could help me

I carefully walk down a small flight of stairs and I can hear her something like someone was cooking

Then I hear a feminine voice speak out to herself

???: I hope he's okay and I wonder who he is well as soon as he wakes up I've got some food for him

I wondered to myself who is she and she is civilian who randomly found me after the battle was over

But I pushed those thoughts out of my head and proceeded to go down the stairs and to greet her

Lucas:... Hey thanks for rescuing me and who are.... You?

I stared at the figure wondering who or what is she and it seems like something the space wolves what come up with

(Fun fact that is an actual faction in Warhammer 40K)

She turned around to greet me as well but thoughts were still racing for my head is this the work of heresy Zeno's or what?

???: Oh... Hi you're finally awake

I stood there silent not knowing what to say or what to do

???: Is everything okay do you need help?

She inched closer to me from the kitchen and I took one step back

???: Hey what's wrong I'm not going to hurt you I just found you and thought you needed help you looked injured

I remain cautious around her and getting ready to run at the first sign of danger

Lucas: how do I know that and who are you what are you

Lucas: how do I know that and who are you what are you

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???: I'm Sarah and I'm a wolf

She put her hands up showing that she's not a threat and she took a seat on the couch

Lucas: well nice to meet you I'm Lucas

Sarah: nice to meet you may I ask where are you from

Lucas: will first tell me about your...... Self ow Mmh

My side starts to hurt again and she takes notice and she stands up quickly to try to catch me before I fall over

She catches me before I dropped to the floor

Sarah: Lucas hold on I got you

She has a genuine concern look on her face I can tell she cares for my safety

But in this moment I remember small flashbacks at that moment we went over the trenches

But I am snapped back to reality from her voice

Sarah: Lucas hey hello come on you're fine

I try to mutter something but then she picks me up and she takes me over to the couch and weighs me down

Sarah: here let's get the mask off so I can check on you

Lucas: no The mask stays on at all times I'm sorry but I'd rather be safe than sorry I just don't feel safe right now

Her ears droop down and her voice was still soothing and calming

Sarah: oh okay can I at least take off your helmet and don't worry I'll keep it close by for you

I slowly undid the strap to my helmet and I took it off for her

Sarah took my helmet and she gave me a warm smile

Sarah: thank you and I'll leave it right next to the couch with you okay

Lucas: fine buy me and thanks for the hospitality

She smiles and says any soothing calm voice

Sarah: you're welcome and when you're ready I have some food for you

Lucas: thank you again

She walked off to finish up cooking and then she came back and sat right next to me putting one of her arms around me and slowly pulling my head to lay down on her thigh

Sarah: hey it's all right like I said I'm not going to hurt you I just want you to lay your head down and get a little bit of rest okay

I sensed a little bit of her being nervous around me and I was the same so I just laid my head down on her side

Lucas:all right just don't try anything funny I'm a light sleeper so I will know

Sarah: okay got it

With that I started to doze off trying to go back to sleep

(hope you enjoyed this part I might do another one tomorrow or I'll just take a little bit of a break to think about what I want for the next chapter)

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