chapter 7 the pod

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The following day after last night nothing eventful happened but lately a sense of dread and the feeling of something watching us grows as time passes

Lucas: hey Sarah is it okay if I ask you something

Sarah: sure what's up?

Lucas: is it okay if I start setting up some booby traps around our house lately it feels like we are being watched it's just a feeling

Sarah: sure go ahead it would certainly make me feel a little safer because I have gotten that feeling too that we were being watched

Lucas: thanks so much sweetie that means a lot to a guardsman's Hart that you allow him to set up booby traps around the perimeter of our home

I give her a warm embrace full hug and give her a quick peck on the cheek and several more on her muzzle.

I Rush upstairs to grab my entrenching tool and I come back down as quickly as I ran up the stairs.

Lucas: sweetie if you need me I'll be outside okay

Sarah: okay I'll be hanging out in here and it's probably best I watch my step if I go outside right?

Lucas: of course I'll be there to guide you through my traps but this would go a lot faster if there are more guards men here with me.... Or clones of me

Sarah starts to think to herself of several other clones of Lucas standing right behind her while she just sits and relaxes on the couch and she smiles to herself

Sarah: mmh... That sounds really hot right about now... I really need to control myself cuz it already feels like I'm going back in to heat

Sarah face palms herself and walked back inside

An hour goes by and after digging some small holes and setting trip wires against the trees and in bushes. I take a nice long drink out of my canteen.

Lucas:Fresh cold water never gets old

Lucas looks up at the sky and admires its beauty. a few seconds go by as the clouds slowly crawl their way across the sky but then something bright orange shot it's way across the sky and closely lands by Lucas

Lucas: the hell was that.
It looks like it landed maybe one or two miles away maybe two and a half if I'm lucky

Lucas quickly runs back inside and grabs his rifle

Lucas:Sarah I'm going to be gone for a little while

Sarah: is it because of that thing I heard outside

Lucas: yeah but don't worry it's probably nothing but I have to scout it out just in case

Sarah: okay well be safe

Lucas gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and she returned the gesture in kind
With that Lucas left the house and went into the tree line to find out what that was that either crashed or landed

Lucas continued Ford for the trees at a medium running pace half an hour passed by and he finally arrived at the pod whatever it was it was still closed up and it looked to be space Marines?

Lucas took cover behind some trees as trying to conceal himself before further investigating

Lucas whispered it to himself

Lucas: the hell are space Marines doing here and why is in the pot opening is it jammed? That can't be the reason why they should have been able to punch their way out of it or something.

A few seconds go by without any activity coming from the pod throwing all caution to the wind Lucas decided to investigate further

He arrived at the pod the strangest thing was there was no paint no insignia no markings to indicate which chapter of space Marine this belong to not even a semblance of any chaos factions

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