Chapter 3: Not A Dream

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     As I gradually regained consciousness, my senses slowly came back to life, engulfing me in a symphony of contrasting aromas and sounds. The lingering scent of umami and aromatic wood clashed with the earthy smell of freshly disturbed soil, creating a curious juxtaposition that danced on the edge of my awareness.

     Outside the confines of the room, the faint hum of leaves and the gentle caress of the breeze mingled with the distant chatter of people, their voices a soft murmur that seeped through the cracks and crevices, reminding me of the world beyond.

     Blinking against the subtle rays of sunlight filtering through the slightly ajar window, I allowed my gaze to wander, drawn to the vibrant colors of a bright sunny day beyond the glass. The small gap offered a tantalizing glimpse of the outside world, a tantalizing invitation to venture forth and embrace whatever adventures awaited me.

     A wave of relief washed over me as I basked in the tranquility of the moment. What a peaceful day it seemed to be, a stark contrast to the tumultuous dreams that had haunted me.

     But as I took in my surroundings, a sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of my consciousness. This serene scene was all wrong. Where were the bustling streets, the cacophony of urban life that typically greeted me outside my apartment window?

     With mounting dread, I hurriedly rose to my feet and inspected my surroundings, hoping to find some semblance of familiarity. But what I saw only deepened my sense of disorientation and fear.

     No, this couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real.

     With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realized that I was still here, trapped in this inexplicable and unsettling reality. Questions swirled in my mind, each more troubling than the last. Was I dead? In a coma? What had brought me to this strange and unfamiliar place?

     Dropping to my knees, I felt a flurry of anxious jitters envelop my body as I grappled with the terrifying realization that I was lost in a world beyond my understanding, with no clear path forward and no answers to soothe my troubled mind.

     As I scurried to the vanity mirror, my heart pounding in my chest, I prayed for reassurance, for some semblance of familiarity in the reflection that awaited me. But as I gazed upon the bloodshot eyes of amaranthine staring back at me, and the messy twist of jet-black hair framing a face that was undeniably not my own, a sense of profound defeat washed over me.

     Slowly, tentatively, I reached out to touch the cheeks of this unfamiliar visage, hoping against hope that it was all just a cruel trick of the mind. But the cold, unyielding reality remained—I was staring at someone else's face. Elysia's face.

     At that moment, it felt as if I were no longer present within my own body as if I were nothing more than a silent observer trapped within the confines of a stranger's form. Was this even real? Was I dreaming? Or had I somehow been thrust into an alternate reality beyond my comprehension?

     As I continued to stare into the eyes that did not belong to me, my senses began to unravel, slipping away one by one until I felt utterly disconnected from everything around me.

     A dull pain throbbed across my right palm and left fingers, a tangible reminder of my physical presence in this bewildering reality. Despite the discomfort, there was a strange comfort in the sensation, anchoring me to the present moment.

     Amidst the haze of confusion, a faint voice pierced through the fog, distant yet unmistakably close. "....ia....ady....sia! M'lady Elysia!"

     As if awakening from a trance, my thoughts began to coalesce, and I turned away from the mirror to find a woman kneeling before me. Clad in a long gown and sleeveless tunic, her hands shook my shoulders with a desperation that mirrored the tumult within my mind. Her eyes were brimming with tears, and her furrowed brows betrayed her distress.

     "Wh-what?" I managed to utter, my voice barely above a whisper.

     At the sound of my voice, the woman let out a sigh of relief, her features softening with gratitude.

    "I'm sorry for the impertinence, M'lady," the woman began, her voice trembling with concern. "However, you were crying while staring at the mirror with a cold expression. I called for your name many times."

     Her words cut through the fog of confusion, bringing clarity to the situation. I offered her a bitter smile, assuring her that I was fine and attributing my distress to nothing more than troubling thoughts.

     Despite her initial reluctance, the woman had been tasked with washing my face, a duty she seemed determined to fulfill. But sensing my need for solitude, I insisted that I needed a moment alone to gather my thoughts. After some hesitation, she relented, casting me a final worried glance before quietly leaving the room.

     Alone once more, I allowed myself a moment of respite, my mind racing with questions and uncertainties. But amidst the turmoil, one thing remained clear—I needed to uncover the truth behind this inexplicable reality and find a way to reclaim what was rightfully mine.

    As I washed my face with the water and cloth provided by the maid, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that lingered from my earlier episode of disassociation. It was a sensation I had never experienced before, and it left me feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

     But as the cool water cascaded over my skin, soothing away the remnants of distress, I made a silent vow to strengthen my resolve and face whatever challenges lay ahead. I refused to be overcome by fear or doubt—I was in control of my destiny, and I would navigate this strange and confusing situation with determination and resilience.

     If this was truly my story, and I had somehow become a character within it, then I needed to embrace my role and prepare myself for the journey ahead. Recalling every detail of the narrative would be crucial, a task that would require focus and dedication.

     With renewed determination, I resolved to confront the mysteries of this unfamiliar world head-on, trusting in my inner strength to guide me through whatever trials awaited me. For better or for worse, this was my story now, and I was determined to make it my own.

     As I reflected on the situation, my thoughts turned to Elysia's age—just sixteen, with four more years until the events of "The Red Rose" would formally begin. How had I ended up in this predicament? It was a question that nagged at the edges of my mind, but I refused to let it dampen my resolve.

     Peering outside the window, I gazed upon the world beyond, searching for answers amidst the uncertainty. But even as I contemplated the inexplicable circumstances that had brought me here, I knew that dwelling on the past would serve me no purpose. Instead, I focused on the road ahead, determined to face whatever challenges awaited me with courage and determination.

     A sudden knock on the door jolted me out of my reverie, signaling the arrival of the servants who had come to assist me in preparing for breakfast with the Mistress. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for the tasks ahead, ready to embrace whatever the day had in store. After all, if I was to navigate this unfamiliar world, I would need to start by taking each step with purpose and resolve.

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