Dear y/n

414 21 1

Hey, it's been a while. God I feel so dumb writing a letter. Do you still live in the apartment, the one in Chicago? I hope so. Otherwise the person getting these is going to be very confused. I'm pretty sure your going to be confused as well.

I know you'll get an idea of who I am. After all we spent nights alone on the boxcars just star gazing and sharing our secrets. I haven't forgotten. It's the day's I try to picture the most. Where the summer weather is cooler and all that could be heard was the small pink speaker, the rustle of plastic bags and the sound of your laughter.

I loved your laughter, I miss it so much. I still have pictures of us, recordings of some of our most random moments, yet none of them are as good as they were in person.

I still have the skateboard you made me. The one with the white wheels and painted bottom. I remember you looked so excited when you gave it to me. That night we went skating all around the city during the day and lake by the night. Just like you always wanted to.

I'm glad I was able to do that.

To do it with you

lost letters and a lamp post | Karl Jacobs | Where stories live. Discover now