a memory

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Karl sat there pen in hand sitting at his desk with a slight tear stained paper at his arms.

They all told him if he wrote to her he'd feel betters. It didn't work. He felt worse.

He could only blame himself for what happened. Everyone told him not to, but he still did. The silence of the room was unsettling, eire even.

She was going to wake up soon though. He hoped that one day he'd get a call from y/n parents saying shed woken up.

Karl got up and put his shoes on ready to go out. He got his keys and drove to the park. Their park.

With the view came the memory.

"Come on Karl! The parks right there!" Y/n was more than just happy. She was able to put a week aside to visit Karl, the only person she saw as a lover. They had dated for about three months at the time.

"I'm going, I'm going." Karl giggled, both felt like little kids. Karl had talked to everyone that he was setting time said for y/n as well. They both agreed they wanted to keep their relationship away from the public's eye for just a while longer.

We both ran up to the swings placing our stomach on he seat and acting like little kids. We laughed up a storm chasing each other around to just end up sitting on the swings talking.

"Image of you became a big streamer like me y/n"

"Nah, I like my audience right now. They're cool."

"They're swaggy."

She jus giggled at his comment "Yeah Karl, swaggy."

The talked for a while longer untill the grey clouds rolled in dropping their water on the pair. Y/n got exictied about the rain and  pulled Karl to play and dance in it.

When both phot tired hey just sat back down soaked in the rain laughing hysterically.

"Hey Y/n?"


"I love you"

"I love you too Karl."

.---current time---.

Now he sat on the swings, cold and missing her. His y/n. And just as the sky let it's tears run he did as well

lost letters and a lamp post | Karl Jacobs | Where stories live. Discover now