Night Drives

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Flashbacks in italics


I sat down next to Chris who was driving me down to the warehouse.

The guys wanted to go out to eat and decided that I had to go.

If it already wasn't evident.

I didn't wanna go.

Chris helped me get ready. He helped me look as if I didn't cry for ten years non stop.

Thank God I had him. I don't know where I would be without him.

We were silently sitting in the car while 505 played in the background. It was dark, calm, nice. I remembered that Y/n loved drives like these.

Night drives was all that she wanted, something that made her happy.


"Come on Karl! Let's go for a drive!"

"Y/n it 8pm. It's snowing and it's dark."

"Exactly! Plus the city lights look better at night!" I looked at her being excited about a simple car ride. I couldn't deny it from her.

I grabbed my keys while she cheered behind me causing me to laugh. She quickly made her way over to the car. She out her playlist on shuffle and I pulled out of the parking lot.

She looked out at the windows mesmerized by the sky, lights, and lake. At a red light, I snapped a quick picture wanting to remember this for as long as I can.

I watched her and focused on the road at the same time. We weren't dating yet, but I knew I had the biggest crush on her at the time. Being called a simp wasn't the best, but for her I'd personally refer to myself as one.


I now zoned back in, existing in present time. I looked out the window thinking to myself. I then turned to Chris before speaking.

"I'm going to Chicago. I'm going to visit N/n"

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