Dear Y/n,

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Edited by: DysphoricLuna


This is my last letter before I go up to Chicago. I probably will get there before this does, but it's a promise. I'm buying my ticket and I'm going to see you.

I'm going to the old apartment and I'm going to visit you. I promise. I'm not leaving Chicago until I see you.

I feel bad for not calling your parents, i just feel like I don't deserve to talk to them, after all aren't I the reason why your


I'll talk to them once I get there. I promise I know you would want me to. Afterall I don't know if you're even up yet.

Recently I've been listening to the playlist you made for me. I know you don't like it when I cry, but at this point I just can't help it. I miss being in between your arms, and you in mine. Your laughter always made my heart flutter and here I am, alone and without the person I need the most.

Please promise me you'll be okay.

I dont think I'll ever forgive myself if you die. 

— Love, Karl

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