Pine Trees

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Karl got back into he front seat of his car and picked up the rag that was in the passenger seat, drying his hair and face, left to deal with semi wet clothes. He turned the car on and let the engine warm up before actually taking to the road now shimming in rain and soft glow of the street lights.

As he drove he noticed the path him and y/n had always taken. He turned his blinkers on and turned into the dark road surrounded by forest. You could see the majestic pines hidden in the back. The rain had calmed down, it was easier to see now that the road was a tad bit clearer.

I parked my car ad got out of it, making sure to lock it behind me. I walk on the path making sure I don't step in any big puddles. I walk around with sent of fresh wet earth filling my nose.

It was peaceful. Birds and crickets could be heard al around me. It was a happy tune, but a tune that sounded more sad to me.

I stood in front of the big pine just looking at it, remembering. All the laughing, giggling and tears that this tree has bared.

I hung my head low heading back into my car. .

"Return to me y/n."

lost letters and a lamp post | Karl Jacobs | Where stories live. Discover now