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Edited by: DysphoricLuna


I got back in my car. The back still untouched since that day. I drove home in silence ready to pack my things up. My door unlocked and it seemed grey and bleak in the asun light. 

I went upstairs and packed my things. I was staying for a week. If I didn't see her then I would be coming back every other week just for her.

I started packing and I found the gift she gave me for Christmas. A picture of us together, a candle and my favorite candy.  I sat down and stared at the picture.

Why did it happen?

Why to her?

Why to us?

She was perfect.

She did nothing wrong.

Of all people it had to be her.

I looked at the unopened candy and remembered the time she forced me to try it. She was almost always right when it came to food. Ever since then I just kept buying them for us and it became our little tradition to eat together whenever we were under the beach.

Under a specific lamp post to be clear. 

How many memories were made there.

Our first kiss.

Our first 'I love you'.

Where she confessed. 

Our names were written at the base. 

It seemed so silly, and so stupid.

Oh but what I'd do to be there with her right now.

Before the incident.

Before the fight.

Before it all got rough.

I finished packing my stuff and moved my suitcases downstairs. Now all I had to do was wait for tomorrow. Just a couple more hours and I'd see her again.

lost letters and a lamp post | Karl Jacobs | Where stories live. Discover now