Chapter 4

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~Flash Back~

Weeks went by and before the three knew it, the sports festival had begun. As soon as the festival began, Endo walked around the waiting area to find Aoki. When she spotted him, she walked up to him.

"Glad to see you! For a second there, I thought you weren't going to show up," Endo said with a chuckle.

Aoki rolled his eyes before speaking up with a snarky reply, "Oh come on, wouldn't chicken out to you."

"That's good to hear," Endo said with a smile. "Thanks for not making me look like an idiot in front of my classmates. I told them I met a guy that I wanted to replace me in class and now they are all looking forward to the pairings for the 1v1 fights. You better make it to the last event. I'm rooting for you,"

"I can't let you have all the glory," Aoki said with a cocky smirk. "Oh, where's your friend?" he said, looking around for Akasuki.

"These types of events aren't for her. She has a great quirk and an amazingly pure heart, but when it comes to fighting, she gets anxious so she decided to sit this one out. There wasn't anything I could say to convince her to participate," Endo said. Before Aoki was able to respond, some of Endo's classmates came up to talk to her before the festival started. Aoki stepped back and let her talk to her classmates and tried to prepare himself for what he had been so anxious about for the past few weeks.

In the first event, the obstacle course, all the students that signed up for the festival will line up and a starting line and wait for the starting bell to ring. After the bell has rung, the students are expected to reach the end of the course in any way that they can. Quirks are allowed as long as you use them with no malicious intent towards your peers. In the first obstacle, the contestants will be faced with robots. All the students are expected to find a way past these 10-20 ft. tall robots. After the students have managed to get past the first obstacle, they are faced with the second obstacle. In this, they are faced with a giant cement wall that they must find a way over. At the top of this wall, a swarm of robot birds awaits them. They must find a way to get through the birds so they can reach the bottom of the wall. In the third part of the obstacle course, a giant clear dome awaits them. The participants must go through this dome while it throws all kinds of different weather conditions their way. Only the top 100 students will be allowed to move on to the next event of the sports festival.

Dai Sato, from class 1-A, came in first place during the obstacle course due to his quirk, Spring. His quirk allows him to jump at incredible heights with spring-like legs. In second place was Fumiko Takahashi, from class 1-B, with her quirk, Teleport. It allows her to teleport to any location 500 feet in front of her as long as she can see the designated location clearly. Her quirk has a cool down of 2 minutes and she can not teleport through objects. Lastly, in third place is Kaida Okamoto, from class 1-B, with her quirk, Machine Override. Her quirk allows her to take control of up to 4 machines. The only condition of her quirk, she has to touch the machine in order for her to control it and she can only control the machine for 3 minutes.

All the participants that passed were given an hour to mingle with their classmates and prepare themselves for the next part of the festival. After the students were informed that the second event was a cavalry battle, they were given 15 minutes to team up with a max of  three other people.

"Hey, what happened back there? You were almost kicked out of the competition after the first event," Endo scolded.

"Chill, I don't have a very good quirk for this. I also don't have much practice with my quirk..."Aoki bit back at her.

"I don't think that's what happened back there dude," Endo expressed, scanning him up and down. "Talk to me,"

"You got into the hero course, of course you're going to have more confidence going into this. I was so focused on trying to stay in the ranks I didn't even see you use your quirk, but I'm sure it was much better suited for an obstacle course seeing as you ranked at number 8, so forgive me if I didn't rank as high as you," Aoki defended himself while letting out a huff of air. He crossed his arms, not daring to meet her eyes.

Endo looked at him with raised brows. "Ok, you keep doing whatever i guess. I was gonna ask if you wanted to team up, but after talking to you, I don't think you'd want to, so if you'll be so kind as to excuse me from this conversation," she said as she turned and began to walk away.

He looked at her before speaking up, "I'm nervous ok! Don't take it personally. This determines what department I could get transferred into. And before you go on saying 'oh we're heroes, you can't be nervous out there' I am fully aware, but this situation is different for me,"

Endo stopped walking, but didn't turn to face him. "If you already know what I'm going to tell you, then you shouldn't be acting like this. Maybe your issue is you don't accept the help that people are trying to give you. I wanted to come over here and try and boost your confidence, but you're clearly too above me for that. I want you to succeed, but with the way you are thinking right now, you'll never make the course.

"I never said that I'm too above you and I wasn't trying to. And like I just said, this festival is different from being out in the fields doing hero work, so yes, I will be having different emotions than I am having now. Now, I wish you luck because I told you that I was going to take you up on that challenge and I do intend on winning," Aoki explained before walking off, flipping her off behind his back.

Endo stood still, listening to his footsteps fade from her. She'd let out a slight chuckle. "There is no way in hell I'm letting you beat me, tech support." As she walked off, looking for her classmates to team up with, she had the biggest grin on her face. 

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