Chapter 6

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As soon as the countdown ended, both students jumped into action.

Endo started off by kneeling and placing her hands on the ground, her hair starting to float, similar to Aizawa's, as she forcibly carved out a small floating island under her feet and suspended herself into the air, standing confidently. "You're such a big talker! It's time to see if you have the quirk to back it up!"

"I'm actually quirkless ma'am. That's why I froze in the entrance exam, cause I rely on other tools," Aoki states, trying to throw her off her game.

"Perfect, then this is gonna be an easy win!" Endo exclaimed as she hurled the floating island, and herself, at him with tremendous speed. Once she was within 50 ft. of him, she made the small floating island break into pieces as she jumped off, still sending the pieces flying towards him.

Aoki, already assuming this possibility, tried to get out of the way of the flying rock as best as he could, still being hit with tremendous force and taking some damage in the process. While this was happening, he attempted to break through the rocks, fighting the pain, and proceeded to try and get as close to her as possible. Due to the shifting in battleground, a lot of debris and dust was kicked up. This gave Aoki time to slyly get away from her hash attack. He snuck up next to her, and managed to give her a small cut on her arm due to his now extended nails. Although this gave him an upper hand, it also revealed his location to his opponent.

"Agh!" As soon as Endo felt her arm being cut, she quickly knelt to the floor and made a giant stone pillar appear out of the ground in the direction she was cut. This gave him enough time to sort out his next move. While the stone pillar that Endo created lunged him into the air, his fingertips absorbed the blood that had fallen upon his skin. A doll started to materialize in his palm.

"A little scratch is all you were able to do!? I thought you were taking this seriously!" Endo teased.

Aoki observed his surroundings while responding, "Little do you know that gave me the upper hand. Just you wait, you're gonna' regret those words soon."

The crowd went wild. Students and teachers from all different departments were now cheering on their favorite contestant.

"ENDO LOOK OUT! LIGHTNING, LIGHTNING, LOOK OUT FOR THE LIGHTNING!" Akasuki warned from the crowd. Endo perked up at the sound of her friend's voice, but was unable to understand Akasuki's words.

Not long after Akasuki's little outburst, a giant lightning bolt came down, clear out of day, striking the wooden doll that was now fully formed in Aoki's hand. The crowd paused and silence swarmed the auditorium in anticipation of what was to come. Endo's green eyes slowly started turning into a matching pair of Aoki's. She went ridged at this, unable to make any sign of movement of her own will.


"AND THAT'S THE MOVE THAT WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! WHERE AOKI TAKES COMPLETE CONTROL OF HIS OPPONENT WITH HIS QUIRK, BAD JUJU! Bad Juju allows him to manipulate his nails into claws that he can then use to cut his target to unsheathe blood from them! He then absorbs blood to formulate a voodoo doll that he can then control and make his victim do whatever he wants but he has to stay focused! Things aren't looking good for Endo!" Present Mic narrated.

The rock tower that Endo made under Aoki's feet slowly began to shake.

"I do wish you would have put up a better fight... such a shame to see you go so soon," Aoki boasted cockily as he forced Endo to walk out of the ring using the wooden doll that he created.

"ENDO, SNAP OUT OF IT!" Akasuki pleaded, the rest of the crowd, cheering for Aoki.

"LOOKS LIKE THIS FIGHT IS COMING TO AN END! Endo's quirk, Ground Breaking, is a good match when going up against Bad Juju. Her quirk allows her to manipulate rock and soil up to 50 ft. below her hands. She has to touch the ground for it to be activated and she can either create gear for herself or manipulate the ground. Say your goodbyes to Endo folks!" Present Mic commentated. Akasuki looked up towards Present Mic and gave him a dirty look not long before she turned her attention to the stone pillar that Aoki was placed on by her best friend. The tower began to shake even more, a few bits and pieces crumbling off.

"What the hell!?" Aoki exclaimed as a giant crack ran between his legs, forcing him to lose his focus. Endo, now 10 feet away from the out of bounds line, slowly started to regain consciousness as her eyes returned back to green.

"OH!? WHAT IS THIS!? LOOKS LIKE AOKI IS LOSING HIS BALANCE!" said a very enthusiastic Present Mic, standing up in incredulity. The crowd gasped in disbelief as Endo was now 5 ft. away for the out of bounds line and the tower began crumbling. Endo, now in full control of her body after Aoki lost his focus, turned slowly, not too sure what was going on. As she held her head, she looked up at Aoki, stumbling on what was left of the tower. This was not long before he began to fall. Endo took a second to realize what was going on before she started running to where the tower was falling. At full speed, she rammed her head into a falling rock, her horns cushioning the blow. Aoki, now almost at the ground, found himself in front of the rock that she was running straight towards. Before he could register what was happening, the giant rock hit him, knocking him out, throwing him back, and finally pushing him out of bounds. Endo stood behind the rubble, waiting for the debris to settle as blood trickled down her forehead. The crowd went silent as many of them sat there with jaws dropped, processing what they had just witnessed.

Seconds went by as Present Mic went speechless, forcing Aizawa to grab the mic from him. "Well, it looks like Aoki is out of bounds. That leaves Endo as the winner," Aizawa said unenthusiastically.

Endo stood there, looking at Aoki laying motionless out of bounds, the wooden doll now at her feet. The crowd went crazy, screaming and cheering in disbelief at the stunt that Endo just pulled off. Endo knelt to the ground and grabbed the doll, inspecting it before shoving it in her pocket. A very tired and beat up Endo looked out into the crowd, through her now broken glasses. As weak as she was, she lifted her fist into the air and held it there, celebrating her win. 

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