Chapter 7

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~Flash Back~

After the festival ended with Kaseki Endo in first place, Ningyo Aoki in second, and Aimi Miura in third, due to Dai Sato's disqualification, the students that suffered any injuries during the festival were taken to the infirmary to be seen by Recovery Girl. Endo recovered much faster than Aoki and walked out of the infirmary with a bandage on her head. Aoki stayed longer, while Recovery Girl waited for him to wake up. Once he finally woke up a couple of days later, Endo and Akasuki were sitting by his bedside.

"Woah... what the hell happened?" Aoki said groggily, stirring awake from the knockout days prior.

"I kicked your ass in the sports festival," Endo said jokingly.

Akasuki nudged Endo's arm as she took a drink from her reflective water bottle. "Be nice. He just woke up and that's the first thing you have to say to him!?"

"I'm just messing around with hi-" Endo started to say before Aoki sprung up and snatched Akasuki's water bottle.

"I look like shit! What the hell happened to my perfectly sculpted face! How the hell am I supposed to get hot guys looking like this," Aoki said in disbelief while looking at his reflection in the water bottle.

"Nothing... you look as messed up as always..." Endo said with an annoyed expression.

Aoki gave her a death glare before stating, "You're a horrible liar..."

"Thanks... as much as I love this conversation that's not why I'm here. Grab your stuff, Akasuki and I wanna take you somewhere" Endo said as she grabbed her backpack off the ground and Akatsuki began to follow. Aoki pulled himself out of bed looking fairly surprised.

"Oh? And where is this somewhere? Did you get me a surprise because you knocked me out?" Aoki asked with a smirk on his face. Endo had already walked out of the room before he spoke. Akasuki stopped in the doorway and stood there for a second before speaking up.

"Endo got you into the hero program," Akasuki said, turning to face him.

Aoki looked at her before rolling his eyes and saying, "Haha, very funny. Where are you guys actually taking me?" He grabbed his bag that had been sitting on the floor next to his bed and started to walk to her.

"I'm being serious," exclaimed Akasuki. "Endo got you into the hero program"

Aoki dropped his bag. "You're lying..."

Akasuki picked up his bag that was now at his feet. "No, I'm dead serious. She's showing you your dorm over in the hero course building."

"OH MY GOD! I GOT INTO THE HERO COUR-" Aoki began to shout before Akasuki covered his mouth.

"Shhhhhhh!!!" She let go of his mouth. "You have to be on your best behavior, BEST BEHAVIOR! She really stuck her neck out for you. It took so much convincing for Mr. Aizawa to actually transfer you into the class. He will be watching you the most and if he thinks you don't belong there, not only will he kick you out of the class, but he'll kick Endo out as well."

"Woah... well you don't have to worry because I will totally kick ass!!" Aoki said in celebration.

Akasuki chucked Aoki's bag at him. "DO NOT mess this up... you're carrying your future and her future on your shoulders. This is the only thing she wants in life and she HAS to make it, ok?"

Aoki didn't respond immediately. He hadn't seen Akasuki so serious about something. "I've got this."


"PFTT, YEA RIGHT! WANT ME TO CARRY YOUR BAGS!?" Aoki bit back while pushing past Akasuki to join Endo in the hall.

Akasuki stood there, still facing the bed that Aoki was laying in for the past few days, hesitant in the decision that Endo had made.

Endo walked back into the room "You coming?"

Akasuki snapped out of her trance and turned to face her "Yea, I'm coming." Akasuki accompanied Endo as she showed Aoki the hero course dorm building and eventually his room.

After Endo asked Mr. Aizawa to consider letting Aoki in the hero course and he told her no, Akasuki didn't support Endo's decision of pleading with him. She didn't want Endo to risk herself getting kicked out of the program. Endo and Akaski had been friends since a young age and were inseparable. They had always gone to the same school when growing up and once Endo told her that she wanted to be a hero and attend UA, she knew that she had to try and get into the hero course at UA too. She couldn't imagine not having Endo by her side and so, from the time Endo told her she wanted to be a hero she knew that she had to find a way to get in. She spent most, if not all, of her free time training. She spent countless hours in the gym, stuck to a strict eating diet, and took any tutoring lessons she could. She was desperate to get into the program knowing full well that her quirk wouldn't be enough.

After her and Endo made it in the program, her training never stopped. She knew she couldn't let herself get behind. Her and Endo train ruthlessly every week and she knows just how much this program means to Endo. She couldn't imagine what Endo would do if she got kicked out of the program. All she knew is that everything was out of her and Endo's hands and the only thing that she could rely on was a boy they meant not too long ago. One thing was for sure though, and that was that Akasuki was petrified of whatever had to come next in their future.

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