Chapter 5

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Next event was the cavalry battle. During this event, the 100 students that passed the first event, could pair up with a max of three other people, meaning the students can either form teams of two, three, or four. Once the students picked their teams, they were all given headbands with different amounts of points on them depending on what place they came in during the obstacle course. The faster you finished the obstacle course, the higher amount of points you were given. The goal is to end with the most points by either keeping your head band or taking other teams headbands to make it to the final challenge, determining the winners.

Kaseki Endo, Dai Sato, Aimi Miura, and Kin Hirosan came in first place with a groundbreaking 10,005,300 points. In second place was Asa Suzuki, Takashi Ito, Minoru Shirogane, and Yamakaki Chiyo came in second with 2,450 and in third place was Etsu Mori, Ningyo Aoki, Anzu Okada, and Jakushitsu Shimizu with 1,500 points.

"Nice job Sato!" exclaimed Endo.

"I was so scared, we almost lost it at the end," stated Sato.

"I can't believe we pulled that off!" celebrated Miura.

"I'm so proud of us!" shouted Hirosan.

Endo's team couldn't stop celebrating.

Aoki glanced over with a tint of jealousy within his stare. Endo noticed Aoki look over at her and her team and couldn't help but feel bad for him. Maybe she should have still offered him to join her team. There was nothing she could do about the turn of events now. The only thing she could do was keep her head in the game and her eyes on the prize.

With 12 people moving onto the finals, there would be 10 fights in total. The first rounds would be between Kaseki Endo and Asa Suzuki, Takashi Ito and Etsu Mori, Ningyo Aoki and Anzu Okada, Aimi Miura and Minoru Shirogane, Yamakaki Chiyo and Dai Sato, and then finally Kin Hriosan and Jakushitzu Shimizu. Out of those, Kaseki Endo, Etsu Mori, Ningyo Aoki, Aimi Miura, Dai Sato, and Jakushitzu Shimizu made it to the semi finals. At the semi final rounds, those fighting each other would be Kaseki Endo and Jakushitzu Skimizu, Etsu Mori and Ningyo Aoki, and then Aimi Miura and Dai Sato. Those moving onto the 1v1v1 finals would be Kaseki Endo, Ningyo Aoki, and Dai Sato, or would be. Dai Sato was soon disqualified due to a lead that someone helped him advance in the festival. This means that the final fight would be between Ningyo Aoki and Kaseki Endo, which was ironic for the challenge they made.

"Told ya' I'd make it," Aoki smirked towards Endo.

Endo rolled her eyes before saying, "Don't get too cocky, pretty boy. Wouldn't want to mess up that face people obsess over."

"Aww, that's sweet. I would blush but you're not my type. I like dick, not tit," Aoki said. Their conversation was soon cut off by someone screaming in the crowd.

"LET'S GO KASEKI! YOU BETTER FINISH THIS OFF STRONG, YOU HEAR ME!?" Akasuki cheered. Endo looked up in the direction the voice came from and there was Akasuki, wearing a shirt with her face on it, and poms poms in either hand. Endo sighed.

"So sweet," Aoki started, "you have ONE fangirl. Can't relate; I have too many."

"Good thing fangirls don't make the hero," Endo said in retaliation.

"AND NOW TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!" a very enthusiastic Present Mic stated. "KASEKI ENDO FROM THE HERO COURSE VS. NINGYO AOKI FROM THE SUPPORT COURSE! In order for a contestant to win, their opponent needs to be out cold, on the ground, or pushed out of bounds. The students can use any means necessary to meet the requirements to win. We have Recovery Girl on standby, so there's no need to worry about either of the contestants. During all of these 1v1 fights, the students were not allowed to watch the other battles while waiting for their turns to go. We're trying to make this year more astonishing than last year!" The two contestants got into their places while awaiting further instructions. "NOW FOR THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! May the best student win!" At that, both students got into their fighting stances, waiting for the signal to start the finals. "3..., 2..., 1, BEGIN!"

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