mha oc ivan tex

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Name: ivan tex

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Weight: 114

Personality: nice,confident

Sex: straight

Nationality: japanese

Likes: games,fighting,training

Dislikes: villains

Quirk: controller

Quirk desc: the user can throw a wire from their hand,when the fire lands on an object or person,a controlelr appears,the controller has walk jump,punch,crouch,and use quirk,if its a person. The controller can control anything,a robot,chair,table,anything.

Quirk weakness; its harder to usr on people with mutant quirks, if its against ojiro,it would be harder to swing his tail or for shoji, to replicate different body parts

Ultimate move: autopilot,  when he's controlling a person,he can just leave it on autopilot and the person will move on its own

Appearance: orange hair,blue eyes, he has the o on his left eye and the triangle on his right eye,he has 1 mark on his left cheek which is the square button,and on his right cherl he has the x,he has neutral skin color,wears gret shirt and blue pants

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