❄Chapter 3-Of Comfort and Wordsworth ❄

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Sidney spoke to Arthur saying "perhaps we could fetch some blankets for Miss Heywood as we need to keep her warm."  "She appears very cold and I fear that she may suffer hypothermia if we do not cover her sufficiently."  "Certainly Sidney I will return to our carriage and seek some blankets to ensure the dear lady's comfort. " Sidney continued to study the beautiful lady who lay on a chair in a catering booth.  A small blemish could be seen on her face where it had hit the ice but this in no way diminished her beauty.  His heart beat most irregularly in his chest as he feared for the dear lady whom he had only been recently acquainted with.  Her silence was a such a contrast to her vivacity that he had appreciated when she was on the ice.  Such a fall might be considered most dangerous. He felt protective of the lady and wished for her to return to her happy self.  He took a deep sign and tried to conceal his concern saying   "Mrs Reynolds perhaps you could remain with Miss Heywood while I request that my groom contact my physician as there does not appear to be a physician here and I would prefer that Miss Heywood is attended to at the soonest."  Mrs Reynolds nodded in agreement and her brow furrowed with concern for Miss Heywood.  "Most certainly Sir I will remain here with dear Charlotte and ensure her comfort."  

John Heywood sat in a chair opposite his beloved sister and endeavoured to retain his composure and not commence crying.  He was  most distressed to see his sister so still and silent as she was rarely so.   Both her mind and her body were frequently active, she derived pleasure from walking and shooting along with voracious reading of the many books in her father's library.  Her reading was not confined to the novels of the day as she read books on science, theology, philosophy, architecture, subjects which were not favoured by ladies.   She would engage in discussions, sometimes of a passionate nature with her father on many subjects including the rights of women.  Charlotte did not engage in the usual ladylike pursuits of needlework, singing,  playing the piano or dancing.  As the Heywood family resided in a small country village there was rarely need to dance as balls and assemblies were oft seen occasions.  Their beloved mother had taught her to dance as she preferred that she could do so should she ever attend a ball or assembly.  These dance lessons were not a chore for Charlotte as she enjoyed the experience of listening to the music while gliding across the floor.  

John and Charlotte had become closer of late as their father  wished for them to engage in the management of their estate.  Their father had tasked them with meeting with his new estate manager in London as he preferred not to travel far from home.  It was Mr. Heywood's wish that John would eventually be the manager of the Heywood Estate and he had in fact added this as  a codicil in his last testament.   As Charlotte was viewed by her father as being most capable he had requested that she assist John in the management of their estate hence her presence at the meeting in London.   John recalled that Charlotte had greatly anticipated her visit to London as she had never travelled outside Willingden.   When Charlotte had been told by their father that she would be visiting the capital she said "I wish to see all the sights in London and experience all that the city has to offer."  "John we must visit all the places that I have read of in father's London guidebooks,  we will see all we can during our short stay."  John remembered saying " Charlotte we will be there for a short time but we will certainly try to see what we may in that time."  John sighed when he thought of his dear sister and wished that she would not be gravely injured and return to her usual self.   He was so lost in thought that he failed to hear Sidney speaking to him "Sir we will remove Miss Heywood to my home nearby and arrange for my physician to attend her there as Arthur has not managed to engage one here."  "Sir are you well, can you hear me?"

John said "Apologies Sir I was wool gathering, certainly that seems a most sensible idea."  "Mrs Reynolds and I can assist Charlotte into your carriage if that is convenient for you."  Arthur approached John and Charlotte carrying some blankets,  "perhaps we could wrap the dear lady in these blankets while she is being moved to our carriage?"  John spoke "thank you Sir that is most considerate, we do not wish to inconvenience you and your brother."  Arthur moved to place the blankets on the chair where Charlotte lay saying "there is no inconvenience,  we wish to help you and your sister and we will do whatever you wish to ensure her comfort."   Mrs. Reynolds and John then wrapped Charlotte in the blankets and John  carried her with care to the Parker's waiting carriage.  He walked cautiously to prevent Charlotte being further discomforted.  Mrs. Reynolds held Charlotte's hand and spoke comforting words to her.   Arthur and Sidney followed them closely behind and paused occasionally to confirm that all was well with John and his sister.  John placed Charlotte gently into the carriage and took his seat beside her.  Mrs. Reynolds sat opposite them while Sidney took his place beside Mrs. Reynolds.  Arthur closed the door of the carriage saying  "I will take a seat on the box as there will not be sufficient room for all of us."  John spoke saying "Thank you Sir that is most kind, will you not be very chilled,  perhaps you may wish take a blanket?"  "My overcoat will be sufficient and we should arrive at our home shortly as it is not too distant from here."  "Please do not worry all will be well and our physician will attend to your sister once we arrive at our home."  Arthur spoke in a reassuring tone as he could sense that the gentleman was very concerned for his sister.  The carriage started its journey home more slowly than usual as there was frost on the ground.  

On arrival at their London home the Parker brothers ushered the Heywoods into their home.  John carried his sister inside and Sidney directed him to a bed chamber just off the hallway.  This room was reserved for an elderly aunt who had difficulty climbing the stairs to reach the bed chambers on the upper floor.  John laid his sister gently on the bed and covered her with blankets as she was trembling.   A fire blazed in the fire place which warmed the room and John could feel the most welcome warmth from it.  He took a seat beside the bed taking his sister's cold hand in his and spoke to her saying "Charlotte dear can you hear me?" "Please let me know that you hear me, squeeze my hand or move your eye." He tried to remain strong but he could feel the tears gathering and he laid his head gently on Charlotte's hand.   Sidney came into the room and announced the physician would arrive shortly.  "He is a most capable physician, he will know what to do.  He has been our family physician for many years."  "Would you wish to refresh yourself and perhaps Mrs. Reynolds and I can remain with Miss Heywood.?  "Perhaps I could arrange some tea for you as you look in need of refreshment."  John spoke to Sidney and said "Thank you Sir I would like to refresh myself and take some tea as I feel most weak." 

A knock came to the door and Mrs. Reynolds entered the room and took a seat next to Charlotte.  Sidney rang for the butler who entered the room and informed him that rooms had been prepared for John and Mrs. Reynolds.  John left the room with him and was shown to a room where he could refresh himself before tea would be served in the drawing room.   Sidney remained in the bed chamber and spoke to Mrs. Reynolds in a low voice "perhaps Ms. Heywood would wish for me to read some poetry to her?"  "Would she wish to hear  verses by one of my favourite poets, Mr. Wordsworth?"  "She is most fond of poetry Sir and it might be a comfort to her to hear some familiar verses."  "Would you wish to sit here next to her as she will better able to hear you"?  " I can take your seat if you wish to sit here?" 

"Thank you Mrs. Reynolds, that sounds like a wise idea, I will take the seat beside her so she can better hear the soothing words of Wordsworth."  Sidney moved to sit next to Charlotte and again was struck by her natural radiance.  He wished to know her and speak to her of many things including poetry.  He opened the book of poetry and commenced reading " I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud,  

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Charlotte's eyelids flickered and she moved her hand towards Sidney's hand clutching it saying "John where am I?" " I have a most terrible ache in my head."  She continued to hold Sidney's hand until he spoke "Miss I am not your brother, I am Mr. Sidney Parker." " I met you and your brother at the Frost Fair and brought you here after your fall."  "Will I ask him to come to you?"  Charlotte took a deep breath and said "please Sir I would wish to speak to my brother, perhaps he can arrange for the physician to visit."  Sidney continued to hold Charlotte's hand saying "my physician will be here shortly, he has been delayed due to the inclement weather."  "Do not fret, he will be here soon."  "I will ask for your brother to attend you."  Charlotte raised her head slightly and said "Sir could you please continue reading those verses as I find them most comforting?"  Sidney smiled and said "yes of course if you wish,  I find the poetry of Mr. Wordsworth most pleasant." 

Of Frost and FrolicsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon