❄Chapter 5-Of Prognosis and Protection❄

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John departed the room with the physician. He attempted to maintain a pleasant countenance while his heart thudded in anticipation of what he might be told of his sister. He wished that it would be of a positive nature, the thought of his sister being unwell distressed him. His sister was so important to him and provided him with much love and support. Her practical nature was appreciated by him and his family. Their father sought her counsel on many aspects relating to the Heywood estate.

They entered Charlotte's bedchamber where Charlotte sat looking much improved. There was a smile on her face and colour in her cheeks. A bolster pillow at her neck supported her head. John was delighted to see that his dear sister appeared to be more like her usual content self.

The Parker's physician cleared his throat and stood close to the patient's bed. "Do you wish for me to discuss your sister in the presence of her companion or prefer for her to depart while we discuss Ms. Heywood. You may have a preference for our conversation. I will respect your wishes. " Mrs.Reynolds glanced towards John and rose from her chair next to Charlotte's bed.

Charlotte spoke "Mrs. Reynolds please remain while my health is being discussed. You have seen me through much, please take a seat beside me. She clasped Mrs. Reynold's hands to hers. Your care for me since my fall has been most prestigious.  John please do not look so concerned, all will be well. The care that I have here will surely aid my recovery.

Please Sir might you advise my dear brother and I of my prognosis.  I am conscious of our need to return home as our father requires our presence prior to our new steward arriving"
Dr. Edmund spoke saying " the prognosis for Ms. Heywood is favourable should she remain here for the present.  I would strongly advise against travelling home as such a journey would be detrimental for you Ms.Heywood.

You have suffered a significant head injury and any movement would be inadvisable.  I would conclude that you should remain here for at least a seven night.  You need to take as much rest as you can prior to travelling home. Charlotte moved her head towards John " what say you John, surely we cannot impose ourselves on the Parkers for another week. We have I fear remained for longer than is polite given that we are strangers."

"Perhaps we could return to our lodgings until I can return home. That is but a short carriage journey from here. This would be preferable to remaining here.  I feel a little uncomfortable being obliged to stay with those who are unknown to us. It seems improper. "

Dr. Edmund spoke "Miss please know that you cannot travel even if it is but a carriage ride.  I must insist that you remain here and do not even consider travelling. It would be foolish to do so , excuse my frankness but I must convince you of the merits of remaining."

John glanced at the doctor. He was delighted to know that his sister was out of danger however he was uneasy at the thought of not returning to Willingden for another seven night. His father would be concerned for them as would the rest of the family.  He did not know what he should do. He knew that they must not leave but he was discomforted with this notion. Should he request of the Parkers to extend their already gracious hospitality for a further time.

"Charlotte I will speak with the Parkers and request if they might host us until we may return home. I will explain the impossibility of leaving. I hope that they will accept this and agree to us remaining. It is a most unusual situation, one I did not foresee when we travelled here. Perhaps we should never have come to London given the weather. Do not fret dear Charlotte I will convince them and they appear most amiable.

I will speak to them now and seek agreement to us staying. I am certain that they will agree to us remaining. They have been most generous to us surely their generosity could be further extended. I will write forthwith to father to appraise him of the change to our plans. He will understand I am sure.  I will leave you now and return once I have spoken to them. Are you comfortable, do you require anything? You appear flushed, shall I request some tea for you. "

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