❄ Chapter Four-Of Care & Cogitation

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Sidney continued his reading of the great Wordsworth's poetry while Charlotte gently clasped his hand.  He tried to release her hand from his for he did not wish for her brother to perceive any impropriety.  The lady's reputation could easily be compromised by being discovered clasping his sister's hand. However his attempts to release her hand from his were met with resistance as she seemed to found much comfort in his touch.  Sidney spoke in a gentle voice saying "Miss Heywood perhaps  you might return my hand to me as it may appear unseemly for you to be found clutching the hand of a strange gentleman?"  "I do not wish to shock your dear brother as he might be obliged to defend your reputation by calling me out as a cad."  Charlotte turned her eyes to Sidney and moved her other hand towards his hand saying "Sir, please know that my brother and I would not consider you caddish in any sense,  you rescued me from the ice and brought me to your home.  These are not the actions of a cad, Sir."  "We are both indebted to you for your consideration and kindness."  She smiled at him and attempted to lift her head from where it lay however the ache in her head overtook her and she cautiously returned it to the pillow.  The pain of lifting her head caused her face to contort with pain for a  brief moment which Sidney noticed and said "Please do not strain yourself on my account, such courteousness is unnecessary given your injury."  "Is there something that I can ask my groom to fetch for you, a cold cloth perhaps or a willow bark tea?" " You must remain alert until the physician has examined you as it may be detrimental for you to sleep." 

"Thank you Sir, perhaps you could continue your reading of Mr. Wordsworth as this will prevent my falling into a slumber"  "His writing is so soothing and evocative, I find it most captivating."  " Mr. Parker your reading is proving to be most comforting, the ache in my head appears to be easing."  There was a knock on the door and Charlotte's brother John entered the room accompanied by the Parker's physician,  Dr. Edmund.  Sidney removed his hand from Charlotte's as they entered the room as he felt that such a gesture was too familiar.  Dr. Edmund spoke saying "perhaps the two gentlemen could leave the room while I examine Ms. Heywood?" "Mrs. Reynolds may of course remain with her if you so wish Ms. Heywood?"  Charlotte agreed that Mrs. Reynolds could remain with her.  Sidney spoke saying "you may wish to join us in the drawing from some refreshment once you have completed your examination of Ms. Heywood?" "Mr. Heywood you may have the use of my study should you desire some privacy to discuss your sister with Dr. Edmund"  

John spoke "Thank you Mr. Parker that is very considerate. I will join you and the physician for tea and then remove to your study to meet with Dr.Edmund. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to both and your brother for your generosity.  You have provided much needed succour to a group of rustic strangers." Sidney guided John out of the chamber when Dr. Edmund  commenced his examination of  his sister saying "It is what any decent person would do, my brother and I only wish to see your sister return to full health. Come now let us join Arthur for tea. All will be well, I have utter confidence in Dr.Edmund."

Sidney and John joined Arthur for tea in the drawing room where a fire had been lit to warm the room. The Parker's housekeeper had provided a veritable feast for them knowing that they would need sustenance. Freshly baked scones with homemade jam, bowls of vegetable broth, bread, cheeses, meats and various pickles and chutneys were arranged on the table.  Pots of tea and coffee sat on the sideboard along with a jug of hot chocolate. John was amazed at the copious repast "Sir what a feast, I am sure that I was not expecting anything like this but it is most welcome. The shock of Charlotte's fall has given me quite an appetite. I wonder will she be allowed to eat something? She must be somewhat hungry as we ate quite some time ago."

John ate the repast with relish only pausing to request another serving of tea. Sidney and Arthur sat at the table lost in their own thoughts. Arthur perceived that his dear brother had developed an affection for Ms. Heywood and was concerned that such an tendre may result in heartache. His previous jilting had caused him much pain and he had suffered much due to that mercenary "lady."  Sidney had descended into quite a black study following this broken engagement.  He had taken to drinking to excess and frequenting various gambling dens in London. Arthur had invited him to their childhood home in the seaside for a time and this had proven to be most beneficial for Sidney's mood.  This proved to be just the tonic needed by Sidney as his was almost returned to his kind and charming self.  He resolutely refused invitations to assemblies and balls preferring the company of his family.

Arthur occasionally persuaded him to travel to London to attend concerts or exhibitions both of which Sidney enjoyed as these did not attract either matchmaking mothers or enthusiastic young ladies.  Sidney enjoyed the time he spent with his younger ebullient brother as he encouraged him to be less melancholy. He was almost the Sidney of two years prior to his disastrous entanglement with that female. Arthur was most encouraged by this and hoped that this change would see Sidney returning to social occasions and perhaps meeting a suitable wife. He was lonely and was a man who wished to marry.

Arthur glanced towards Sidney and could see that he was preoccupied. He wished he knew what he was so preoccupied by but given Sidney's desire for privacy he did not wish to enquire.  He turned towards him and noticed that his eyes were trained on the door. "Do you wish for something else Sidney?" Sidney at that moment was deep in thought and did not hear Arthur address him. He pondered if he might have a chance of happiness. "Sidney are quite well, you look most occupied"   Sidney turned his brother and said "sorry dear brother my mind was on matters of business. "I note that Dr.Edmund has been with Ms. Heywood for some time. Perhaps I should enquire if all is well?"

Sensing his concern Arthur said " he will return as soon as he has completed his examination, he may be discussing Ms. Heywood's care with Mrs. Reynolds."  "Such discussions can take time. She is being cared for one by one of London's most  renowned physicians. Her care will be of the highest order. "  I wonder does she require any of her things from your lodgings Mr. Heywood?" John replied saying " Thank you Sir, I would hope to return to our lodgings as soon as can be arranged as we mean to return home shortly. We would not wish to inconvenience you further by remaining here. Our father is expecting us to return in two days."

Arthur could see disappointment on Sidney's face and he wished that Sidney would not be so concerned about their guest. As for Sidney he felt  that this guest might be the key to his future happiness. He wished to become further acquainted with her however he would guard his heart. He  was lonely and desired to marry and have his own family much like his elder brother Tom.  Tom had a most harmonious life with his loving wife and delightful children.  Perhaps he might have such happiness in the future. The previous two years had proven to be difficult however it demonstrated to him that he must proceed with caution in matters of love.  Outwardly he presented a facade of contentment and happiness however he knew that in truth he was very sad.  The meeting with this lady had lifted his spirits and he hadn't experienced such joy and hope in quite some time.  Would this lady leave their home and never again be seen by him. Was their a way that he might invite their guests to remain for  longer? As they were virtually strangers how would they achieve this? John had mentioned that the necessity of returning home but was this advisable given the lady's accident.  Sidney was attempting to find a way that might encourage their guests to extend their stay.  He knew that this was tenuous but he needed to know this lady better. The time spent with her had shown her to be an intelligent and considerate person.

The Parker's groom entered the drawing room with Dr.Edmund. Sidney took a breathe and awaited for     him to speak. Dr Edmund spoke "Mr. Heywood perhaps we might repair to the study to discuss your sister? "I have completed my examination and will advise you on what the prognosis is.

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