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I don't know this place...


"Huh...? What do you want.."
"We are here!"
Can't believe it!
I was truly back.

Time Skip

After some time Junen brought me to my room. It was nice and cozy just the way I left it.
All the things I've appreciated and loved had been the same, being untouched. I had some new clothes, wanting to try them on I went to the bathroom.
After putting on these clothes
[ Eh...I guess I do look nice...]
I never really appreciated myself. Man I was so naive back then. A lot has changed.
I decided to take pictures and send them to Yuri.
*Snap snap*

[Me] : heyy Yuri, I'm back. But this time in Japan!! 😌
*Sends pic of you in cosplay*
Yuri is typing...
[✨Yuri✨] : Ahh that's so cool!! Also um I'm in class rn..heh.
[Me] : oop-
Yuri is typing...
[✨Yuri✨] : Hey..do you see something outside like a tower...?🤔

I then look outside my big window. I saw this big purple tower.


" mmmhhmh......."
I slowly lifted my eyes. Everything was blurry. Although I saw a blue sky. I got up and look around. I realized I was on top a building.
"W-w-what the FUCK!"
Shocked I fell on my bum. I was so confused. I was just in my room and now I'm in the middle nowhere. I suddenly calmed myself. It's best to be rational in these types of situations. I looked around, and took in my surroundings. A door that was across a bridge caught my attention. I got up and started walking, even if I was a little shaken from the whole situation.
|Best to be rational, best to be rational. Oh geez, the bridge is so high up! Calm down, calm down!|

Although I did want to know what was behind that door. As I got there I slowly walked up to the door. I opened it cautiously and saw nothing but stairs that lead down. I waked down the stairs trying not to make a noise to alert someones in here. I looked around the corner. I wanted to get to the bottom , so I went down another flight but when I tried to get down another set of stairs it was blocked. Like with a wall. It had some writing but I didn't want to spend energy on something I already knew. I went up the stairs back to the door. I opened slowly again so I could see if there was someone there. There was nobody. I decided that I would go on the bridge again.
I knew it was dangerous but I still did it. I wasn't afraid of heights, well only slightly.
And that folks is how I almost fell. The bridge was wobbly. I got a mini heart attack cause I did not see that coming.
So much for trying to be calm.

To be continued...


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𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗸 (𝖱𝗂𝗄𝖺 𝖧𝗈𝗇𝗃𝗈 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)Where stories live. Discover now