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kim's POV
i saw hailey run towards the door. i scream "hailey no!" but it was too late. she was shot in the right side of her abdomen. i ran over honestly not caring if i got shot at this point. i deserve it anyways, what was a simple 'hailey no' going to do for her. when i approach hailey she is unconscious and unresponsive, i start to panic and immediately use my hands to try to stop the bleeding. everything goes quiet, the only thing i hear is adam screaming into his two way. "5021 ida i need an ambulance to my current location now! officer has been shot!" i also hear a faint gunshot and jay say "5021 george offender down roll a second ambo!" i feel relieved but that guy doesn't want me to get my hands on him i can't promise i won't kill him with my bare hands. "adam where the fuck is that ambulance" i scream. "kim i'm not sure but it should be here soon. this isn't your fault kim" adam replied back. i let the second part fall on deaf ears this was all my fault.

sylvies POV
i heard that an officer in intelligence was shot over my two way, i felt terrible. i scream to dawson to drive as fast as she can to get to the scene. she flicks the lights and sirens on, on the way there i honestly thought we were going to crash, she was driving like a maniac. we arrive on scene and see detective upton was the one who was shot. kim looked like she was about to pass out. her face extremely pale and having a blank expression from the shock. she was full of haileys blood but she did what was right and held the wound shut with her hands. dawson ran towards antonio to see what happened while kim and adam help to get hailey on the stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. "tell voight i went with hailey in the ambulance" i hear kim say to adam. "alright will you be okay?" adam questions kim. "adam i am fine i'm clearly not the one that was shot!" she screams back. "not what i meant, but okay" adam finishes the conversation. i felt bad for adam, but i could tell burgess couldn't think straight. as soon as i shut the door gabby started to speed off to chicago med. about half way there i could tell kim was trying to hold her emotions in and that she was blaming herself for what happened. i know it most definitely was not her fault.

kim's POV
most of the way to med the ride was very quiet. if i am being honest i am kind of in shock and i feel awful that i let hailey run towards the door and for blowing up on adam when he asked me a simple question. about half way there i hear sylvie quietly ask me if i am okay. i honestly don't think i can say i am fine without breaking down into tears, so i just nod my head yes. "kim you know it's not your fault right?" sylvie asks me. first of all she wasn't even on scene so how would she know if it was my fault or not and secondly it was my fault. everything is always my fault. i look her in the eyes and say "it is my f-fault though, a-and you don't get a say on that c-cause you weren't there." about mid sentence i couldn't handle it anymore and i just broke down crying. sylvie told me that everything will be okay and that hailey was stable for now. i honestly couldn't stop thinking that it was my fault but i guess that's just how i cope with trauma. we finally arrive at med and meet will at the door.

will's POV
i meet the ambulance at the door and sylvie fills me in on what happened. hailey was surprisingly not as bad as i thought she was going to be. if i am being honest kim looks more of a worry than hailey does. i will get jay to check-in on her later or i will check-in on her. but right now i need to get hailey up to surgery before she becomes unstable. she got lucky the bullet didn't cause too much damage, i am more concerned of the fact that she has been unconscious this whole time. i order a ct-scan of her head because she may of hit her head on the fall. i get the results from the scan back and i was right she has a major concussion. i start heading towards the waiting room to tell everyone what's wrong. "how is she" kim says. she was the first to come over to me. "hello, hailey is doing just fine. the surgery went smoothly the only concern is she has a major concussion but that should clear up on it's own. she will be waking up very soon." i say. i notice that kim's facial expression didn't really change much unlike everyone else's. i felt really bad for kim she was taking this really hard. "hey kim can i talk to you in a more private area?" i need kim to talk to me, if i need to get natalie manning i will.

got it in youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ