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The next day...

I wake up in this hospital bed just like I have done for the past two days. I see a nurse walk into my room, it's the same nurse every time.

"Nurse Smith, do you know when I will be getting out of here?" I ask. I really can't wait to get out of this place and back to the comfort of my apartment.

"Why are you sick of me." I say in a giggle. "No just kidding, I will grab dr. Halstead so he can answer all of your questions."

"Okay, thank you! Also I want to think you for how amazing you have been these past days."

"Of course Hailey, it is my job. Anyway you are a really sweet and brave person. Even though its only been two days I'm going to miss you when you leave." I respond with. "Alright I will be back to check on you a little later. Also expect a visit from dr. Halstead in a little."


And with that nurse Smith leaves the room and I decide to send a quick text to Jay saying good morning and asking him how he is. After a quick little chat with Jay, his brother comes in the room so I put my phone away.

"Hey Hailey, how are you feeling this morning?" I ask. Even though I know the answer is going to be she is fine.

"Hi Will! I am doing fine, how are you?"

"I'm well, thanks for asking!" I respond with. I really like Hailey she is super sweet and not going to lie I think her and my brother would be adorable together. "Nurse Smith told me you had a question."

"Yes, do you know when I will be able to leave?" I question Will."

"Well with that question I actually have good news. You can go home probably sometime later today. However I do have one concern, I would highly recommend you staying with someone. Do you have anyone in mind?" Is it bad I am hoping she asks Jay?

"Yay! no offense to you guys but I can't wait to get put of here." I am beyond exciting to go home. "And yeah I have someone in mind, just let me check with them real quickly."

I send a text to Jay telling him I can leave today and asking if he doesn't mind staying with me. A few seconds after I send the text I get a reply telling me how its amazing I can go home and that he would love staying with me.

"Will, I have someone to stay with. Your brother stepped up to the plate, and is willing to stay with me" I tell Will very excited, but obviously trying to keep it on the down low.

"Ah, okay great!" thank you Jay, I say to myself. And with that I walk out of Hailey's room to check on another one of my patients.

Kim's Apartment...

I am sat on the sofa in my living room reading one of my favorite books. It's about 10:30 am on a Saturday. This is one of my favorite activities to do on my day off, dressed in comfortable sweats and an oversized T-shirt, with my hair in a messy bun and no makeup. Also with a very calming playlist playing softly in the background while I read. Soon I am interrupted by my phone ringing, I look at it to see a text from Hailey and a missed call from Adam. I must of been very invested in my book and missed the ring. I text back to Hailey saying that I can talk in a few minutes, after I call Adam back.

"Hey Adam, sorry I missed your call" I apologize

"No, don't worry about it. I assumed you were reading like you do every other day we have off"

"How did you know ahah. Anyways what's up, is everything okay?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I'm good. I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go out for lunch later?"

"That would be very fun, just let me text Hails back real quick, she said she needed to talk. I just want to make sure I am free before I tell you I can." I tell him, kind of stalling because I'm not really in the mood to go out to lunch nor explain why I don't want to go out for lunch.

"Okay yeah, of course. Just let me know if you need anything." Adam responds.

"Yeah, I will call you right back after I know everything is okay with Hailey. Talk to you soon."

And with that we hang up and I text Hailey saying I am free to talk. Not even two minutes later she responds telling me to call her.

"Hey Kimmie!" Hailey says very happily into her phone.

"Hi hails, is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is actually very good! What about you, how are you?"

"I'm very good, thank you for asking!" What she doesn't know is I feel like my whole world is crumbling right in front of me. "Well, why did you want to call?"

"Oh yes, I have very very good news! I'm going home today, and that's not even the best part. I'm staying with Jay. Kim its like a dream come true."

"Haha, Hailey you make me laugh. But oh my gosh, that is great news! Well I'm going to go because I was just on the phone with Adam. Text me when Jay picks you up, bye Hails, love you!"

"Bye Kim, love you too!"

I hang up with Hailey only to try to come up with some stupid lie about why I can not attend lunch with Adam. Don't get me wrong I love Adam with the life of me and I love spending time with him, I just don't want him to know about my life problems that mean nothing. I come up with the excuse I have to clean my house but I will ask him if he wants to come over for a little bit after lunch.

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