Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 1

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This was a dream I had that was kind of driving me insane, so I had to write it down and get it out of my thoughts so you can go insane with me! This is my first time writing fanfic since I was fifteen and Harry Potter fanfic was a thing, so please be gentle with me. I have so many crazy and detailed dreams, so I might write other stories if this one is well received. Enjoy!

BTS Soulmate AU. Reader x ot7 eventually, this chapter is Jungkook focused.

Trigger Warnings: There's mention of blood, death, ANGST, sexy times, let me know if I missed anything since this is literally my first fic on wattpad and I actually have no idea what I'm doing. :D


You're in line to meet your idols and you can't believe it, your luck! When you first bought your concert tickets months ago you also managed to snag exclusive tickets to a fan touch event, one of the very few fan meets offered on their world tour. As large as their popularity has grown, they have only become more elusive, but now you get to meet them. You're meeting BTS. Your entire body is buzzing from excitement and happiness, you feel so lucky!

You think of all the girls who would be dying to be in your position right now, crammed together with all the other lucky fans, taking in each other's excitement. Even if you don't know the fans' names around you, you feel close to them already, like you all share a common thread and you feel full of warmth.

As you trod along slowly, the door to the meeting room is getting closer and closer, basking you and those around you in warm light, and you think about all the internet comments people write about this kind of moment, "she must have saved a country in her past life to experience this."

You're finally at the front of the line, at the door frame behind a velvet rope. You can see each member standing in a line, a fan in front of them, shaking hands and girls whispering their affections briefly.

The boys are glowing, you've never been as close to them as you are now, and you're about to be even closer, you're about to shake their hand too. You've been rehearsing this moment in your head ever since you had confirmation the tickets were yours.

'You can do this, y/n. This is your moment, you got this!' You try to hype yourself up as you fix your hair and try to calm your nerves.

You realize your mouth hurts from smiling so wide, you can barely contain yourself. You try to take in each of them from your distance, all their tiny quirks and actions, as you wait for your turn. Now the staff is unlocking the rope for you and ushering you to the first member.

You think you might throw up with all the butterflies in your stomach and hope to God you don't.

"Hello Army," Jungkook says in English shyly, holding out his hand and giving you a bright smile. You meet his brown doe eyes and freeze 'Don't pass out, y/n.' You extend your hand and-

The second your fingers wrap around his you feel like you've been pulled underwater. Everything around you goes dark and clouded except for the man in front of you.

And then you're in a forest, you're still holding his hand, but Jungkook's running, pulling you along. He's so fast, the muscles in your legs are burning and your feet ache. You feel each branch and twig jab your soles painfully, your slippers doing nothing to protect you from the rugged terrain. All you can see is a flurry of leaves and twigs as you try your best to dodge them in the moonlit forest. You hear the whines of dogs behind you and yells of angry men.

Jungkook's grip on you is causing you to lose feeling in your fingers, but he doesn't lessen his hold, and pulls you along even impossibly faster. You've never been more scared in your life, but the man in front of you doesn't feel scary. Actually, Jungkook feels like safety, like protection. He feels like home. You do everything you can to keep yourself from tripping and falling and losing Jungkook forever. Now you can feel the fear of losing him wash over your entire being, like an ice cold shower. You both run and run and run and-

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