Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 9

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That night you slept next to Jungkook.

He looked more worried than you when you said goodbye to the group. His worries were of losing you instead, hyper aware of when you begin to close off, so he pleaded with you to let him drive you home and stay at the dorms for another night.

His comforting presence helped calm your nerves. And when you woke, you were in a bed of hay. It's a dream, you know it's a dream, even as you sit up and run your hands across the strands of dead grass and you feel the hay scratch your palms. You feel Jungkook close to you, and a soft voice quietly begs you not to let him go this time. And another voice, more stern and apathetic, tells you not to let your ex walk over you, if it was her, and someone was threatening the person she loved, she would have killed him.

You let go of the hay, rest your head on your knees, your hands bracing your head, letting the warmth of the day soak into your skin to feel comforted. 'Go away, stop.'

But you know they won't go away. Because those voices, no matter how different, all sound the same...

Because they're all you.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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