Chapter Seventy-Two

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A few years later.

A giggle left his mouth as they continued to watch the movie on their bed. It's been a very tough day yesterday, so they've decided to take a rest.

He locked him in his arms. "We need to transfer the files tomorrow, love."

The other's nose crunched. "I know right."

He smirked. "So, should we do—?" he said. The brunette pulled his self away from his grip and narrowed his eyes.

"Nope, not today Kim," said him.

Taehyung moved closer. "And why not, Jeon?" he asks before tracing the younger's cheeks down to his jaw.

But Jungkook just slapped his hand away before flopping beside him, burying his face to the pillow.

"Need to enjoy tonight, it'll be a big day tomorrow," he whispered but that is enough for Taehyung to hear. He decided to lay down beside him again before playing with his hair.

"Don't stress yourself, baby. I'll just let your secretary do that for you."

Jungkook looked at him and shook his head slowly. "Thank you, but no. It's my job. Perhaps, it's pretty easy to do so no need to pass it to someone else."

Taehyung shrugged. "Okay, do you want to grab a drink then?"

His man had his brows met as he looked away, thinking. Until now, Jungkook is still not a fan of drinking. He hates the taste, it didn't change for the past years. In his 25th year of living, he still doesn't understand the purpose of alcohol. But no need to be selfish tonight, he wanted to take the stress away.

He lifted his left brow. "Hm, good idea." he sat down on the bed, waiting for Taehyung to get what's needed to get.

"Wine or beer?" requested the older.

"Wine's cool," he responded.

Taehyung stood up from the bed, not leaving the room without planting a kiss on top of his head.

"Alright, I'll get it downstairs."

Jungkook nods as he watched Taehyung walked towards the door until he disappeared from his eyesight. He leaned to the headboard of their bed and continued watching the movie.

Everything went pretty well. Going back to the things that happened to start from the graduation? Well, a lot.

Lots of attention were given to them right after the ceremony. Many fanbases are everywhere, it grew more after days. Even the speeches they give went viral on the internet. A huge amount of congratulation gifts were delivered, most of them are hand letters and stuffed toys. All of the gifts are given equally to all of them, but Jungkook and Taehyung are the two that made the social media shake so they got a few more extras than the others.

All of the presents made them happy, but there's a specific gift that made them willing to jump off the staircase just to show how thankful they were to receive it.

Well, a house. A huge house for the both of them. It all came from their greatest mother, Chaehi.

Jungkook can't hold himself but to laugh as their reactions that time flashes back from his mind. It was so hilarious, Taehyung hugged his Mom for hours and even flexed it in some of his social media. The younger, on the other hand, didn't stop saying thank you to her for months. Chaehi only wants the best for her sons, so she gave what she could give. She trusts them, and they deserve it.

Years have passed and they've decided to get a job. As Taehyung confirms, he's now the CEO of Kim's Company. His mother has retired and is currently living now in Australia for good. Lucky that the older is well-trained and is good at managing things. The sales and market are getting higher every single day because of how hard-working he is. He thought that Taehyung will pour all his time to work, knowing that being a CEO means having loads of obligations to do. But hello, Kim Taehyung? He'd rather lose everything than lose Jungkook.

Well, for Jungkook. He's pretty good at things as well. Though took weeks before he mastered everything, it's a great start to have one of the highest positions in the company. He didn't know that being the President was kind of complicated at first but now, he's used to it. It's an everyday thing, all the works don't bother him that much.

Unfortunately, he had to be away from them. It's a hard thing to do for him, he missed his best friends a lot. They talk a few times in a week, not that often but still grateful that they're still talking. Yoongi and Hye have engaged already and decided to move out on their own as well. He's happy for them, it's wonderful news to know. The members are busy on their own business, mostly the songs that they're about to release anytime soon.

The door clicked open, revealing a messy-haired Taehyung with a bottle of wine in his hand, followed by two wine glasses on the other. He stepped closer to the bed and pulled the hidden table beside it. He couldn't wait anymore so he filled the glass, enough for them to take.

"Cheers?" Taehyung lifted his drink.

Jungkook moved his glass closer, and the clanging was heard everywhere after. "Cheers."

Jungkook didn't hesitate to chug it in a matter of seconds, slamming it back to the table with a bit of force. Damn, this stress is getting him lately.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked worriedly. Jungkook closed his eyes. Wine isn't that bad.

"Yep," he answered, filling his glass once again.

And as usual, he drank it without thinking twice. Taehyung just finished his drink and Jungkook's already filling his glass for the third time.

"Jungkook, slow down," he told him, but the younger just laughs and drank it quick.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks once again, pulling away from the bottle of wine away from Jungkook. That earned Jungkook another laughter.

"Alive and well, perfectly imperfect." he stopped. "I'm okay,"

He's not drunk. He just didn't expect that his tolerance to alcohol was this high. It's been a few shots and he still hasn't felt anything yet. Maybe the wine is the problem?

"Can you... pass me the wine please?" ordered Jungkook. Taehyung examined him for a minute. Jungkook doesn't like waiting so he snatched the wine and filled his glass.

"You know what, I don't care anymore," he says and drank it directly from its bottle. Taehyung sighed and pulled the bottle away from him.


Jungkook just smiled at him before bopping his nose with his pointer finger. Taehyung just watched him play his face as his cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.

"You're my sunshine, my only sunshine." he started singing, humming after. The younger let out slight giggles before hugging his waist tightly, practically burying his head on his chest.

A pout showed up on his lips. Taehyung stared at it. His lips are a little plumped than usual, it's so cute.

He earned all his courage and talked. He wanted it. "Love—"

Jungkook snuggled once more before lifting his body, sleepy eyes looking at his lover's pupils. Taehyung's eyes were asking, and that made him snicker.

"Just kiss me if you want, asshole."

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