Chapter Thirty

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"Don't you have any plans to make things work together? Like, you're just staring far-away. That will not help."

I sighed heavily.

We've been on the rooftop again since a while ago. Right before the bell rings, we immediately went up here to think and plan what I should do.

"What should I do then? My mind is drained, I couldn't think of an idea," I answered. She looked at me in surprise as she rubbed his forehead.

"Jeon Jungkook, do you even want to fix the problem?"

"Yes of course,"

"Then let your brain function. If it doesn't work, use your heart. Oh my..." she said, looking annoyed.

I chuckled for a little. She's more stressed about the problem than I am. She's been panicking up here. Her brain is drained as well so we both looking dumb while trying to find an idea to fix everything.

"Why are you panicking? It's nothing, okay?"

Hye laughed under her breath before running her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"Aren't you panicking? What if things will go wrong? Think before you both lose every single thing!"

"It's either you risk something or lose everything."

I lifted both of my arms, surrendering to her. She looks scary when annoyed, no wonder why her and Yoongi hyung's relationship works well.

"I don't know how to talk to him. Like what should I say when we both face each other? Hi?"

She faked a smile at me before rolling her eyes.

"Wow, funny!"

I scratched my nape before looking back at the beautiful sight. Daydreaming and staring are all I can do for now. I still got loads of things and stuffs to do.

"Jungkook, I'm being serious right now. You both need to fix this immediately. I just don't want to see your hyungs worry about you," muttered Hye, making me look back to her.

"Then help me."

"How can I help you when you're not thinking a way with me? If your Yoongi hyung will not hit me for not helping and guiding you then I'll never give a damn even if you jump off this building," she continued.

My eyes went wide for a second, blinking a lot. I..can't believe that.

"Yoongi hyung ordered you to help and guide me?"


I made a weird face before looking away once again. It's unbelievable knowing that we both have a lot of misunderstandings about Taehyung and me.

My eyes landed back on her when I felt her tapped my shoulder lightly.

"You and Yoongi are still not talking about that, right?" she asked.

Yeah, it's been a very long time. I missed talking and bonding with him. I always imagine myself waking up in the morning and seeing him watching on his phone beside me on the couch.

"It's hard.." I whispered. She breaks into a smile, sighing deeply.

"I know it is now that you feel like you need to choose between them. Because if you choose Taehyung, then you'll end up leaving your Yoongi hyung and the same if you'll choose Yoongi," she stopped for a while, ruffling my hair.

"You don't have to feel bad. What your heart tells is what you should follow. Don't force yourself to choose him if you love Taehyung. I know you're afraid to lose both of them," she then continued.

"But I can't lose Yoongi hy-"

"Shh, don't think about losing him. Who said that? What you need to focus on is to fix your problems with Taehyung then go back to your hyung," she cut me off.

"Don't worry, I got you and your Yoongi hyung. Just put your attention to the problem right now. Everything will be fine okay?"

I couldn't help myself but be calm. She's good at this. No wonder why she does have a lot of friends as she said to me. An ideal friend, I guess.

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"Aren't you go inside?"

Hye just casually shook her head.

"Yeah, I still need to go home early. I'll let your hyung know that we went home together," she responded to the male.

"Alright. I gotta go now."

They both crossed their path away. He looked up to the door, walking closer. The sounds that came from falling dry leaves to his way are too precious and calming for him. The vibe is just immaculate.

He hesitated but decided to knock quickly. Patiently waiting for his hyungs until one of them opened the door for him.

"Oh, Jungkook! Come and eat the snacks in the living room." his oldest hyung Jin rejoiced, letting him in the house.

Jungkook pecked for a bit, removing his shoes before tiptoeing inside the house.

"Have you guys eat already?"

"Ah, yes, unfortunately. Do you want me to join you?"

He just smiled at his hyung before saying, "Up to you, hyung."

"Okay, I need to go to the room now. I'm already full and I guess you can eat alone right?" He nodded as an answer, making his hyung thumbs-up.

The younger male just watched his hyung go upstairs, leaving him in a quiet and silent living room. Deafening silence filled the surroundings, which seems like the reason why his hunger suddenly faded away. The energy in his body collapsed and he's unable to pick it up.

He doesn't want his hyung to feel bad knowing that he put a lot of effort just to give him a proper and delicious snack almost every day, but he doesn't have any appetite to eat them all especially that he's all alone, missing those laugh and smiles from his hyung every time they spend an hour having fun without minding anything.

He decided to just pick it up before walking forward to his room, locking the door as he dropped the plate of food to his desk slowly.

Picking his phone, he immediately scrolled down to his socials. Many notifications, but too tired to look at them.

"Oh crap..the group activity.." he whispered, sitting down.

He shut his eyes tightly, remembering what Hye mentioned back on the rooftop.

Jungkook dug his head in the pillow in frustration.

"I have to deal with this."

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