Chapter 8

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"Iris come on we're going to the kindergarten." Garnet said.

"Okay have fun." She said as she was playing a video game on stevens television.

"You're coming too."

She perked up. "Really!?"

Pearl nodded. "Yep we thought it was time for you to go on your first real mission."

Iris was really exited.

"Yay! Where are we going?" She asked.

"It'll be safer if you stick with us and don't wonder off." Pearl spoke.

"I can do that!"

"I know you can." Garnet said. "Come on the warp pad we're going now."

"Okay!" Iris got up and went on the warp pad with the gems and Steven. They warped to the kindergarten.

"Why are there so many holes?" Iris asked looking around.

"They are there because that is where gems would incubate in the ground until they're ready to pop out and that created these holes." Garnet explained.

"So this is where gems are made?"

"Used to be made." Pearl said. "We stopped it before it could happen to the whole earth."

"So it was bad?" Iris asked.

"Yes but not all the things that came from here are bad. Like amethyst." Garnet told her as they were walking around.

"So why are we in the kindergarten?" Iris asked after a few minutes.

"We're looking for suspicious activity going on around here." Pearl said.

They heard peridot in the distance and summoned their weapons. The gems ran towards her Iris ran as fast as she could behind them.

"Peridot!" Garnet shouted.

Peridot ran away from them Steven followed close behind her. "There's no where for you to go." Amethyst said

You're cornered!" Pearl shouted. Peridot ran up the stone wall the gems Steven  and Iris looked up as she ran upwards.

"Hey I can't do that." Steven whined.

"Neither can she." Pearl said as she threw her spear it missed her but hit the injector above her instead.

"Ha missed!" Peridot gloated. The injector fell and she tried out running it. Alas it crashed on top of her.

"Is she hurt?" Iris asked. Peridot threw some rocks off of herself.

"Ha ha nope!" Amethyst said as she ran at peridot with her whip in hand. She whipped it at her having it wrap around her. Peridot touched the ship with her limb enhancer and electrocuted the whip amethyst let go at the last second. The whip wiggled like a snake. Peridot ran again.

"Go ahead wreak this place you crystal colds I already got what I needed!" She shouted at them.

"Get back here." Pearl shouted. Peridot made her hand thing turn into a helicopter like thing making her fly away. Pearl and amethyst chased after her.

"Hurry garnet!" Steven shouted. He and Iris were running but didn't realize garnet was holding them both in the air.

"If peridots mission was to reactivate the kindergarten the injectors would be on." Garnet told them.

"So if they're not on then she didn't reactivate it right?. Iris asked

"Precisely so let's see what she was actually doing." Garnet said as she set them down and walked over. "Down here." The two kids followed her.

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