Chapter 2

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It's been a few weeks since the gems first found iris. Garnet was in the temple sitting on a play mat while iris laid on it as garnet shook a rattle. She was very amused so she laughed. Garnet smiled at her.

"Aww you're such a cutie."

Pearl and amethyst we're standing just at the entrance.

"She really likes her" pearl said with a unamused look.

"What's your problem with the baby? Steven likes her and now he has someone to talk with" amethyst told her.

She was leaning on the wall of the entrance.

"The thing can't even talk!"

Pearl threw her hands up in the air.

"She's a baby pearl Steven did the same thing and he can talk."

"But he's.."

"different? There really isn't any difference she looks almost exactly like a human other that her eyes and gem plus she's a baby she can't hurt anyone"

Pearl turned to her "Amethyst she's a diamond! The diamonds are bad!"

"Yeah you said pink and the other diamonds are bad. None of them are babies except her. She's innocent and harmless pearl what can she do!? You're acting the same as when rose gave up her form to make Steven! And garnet is happy to have her around! Can't you just accept that and stop being selfish for once in your life!"

Amethyst shouted at her. Pearl was taken aback.

"Would you too be quiet. I'm trying to get her to sleep and it would be easier if you two would stop bickering."

"Sorry garnet." They both said at the same time.

"Thank you."

On homeworld blue had been laying on the floor of her daughters room for days. She wouldn't move much only when yellow brought her to bed. Yellow was walking around homeworld looking for any traces of her daughter but so far she found nothing. She'd been walking for a few hours when she spotted something shiny. She bent down to take a closer look. She covered her mouth when she noticed what it was. She picked up the shards of her child one by one. She then held them to her own gem. The warmth from the small gem was now gone replaced by ice cold. A few tears fell down her cheeks.

"How will I tell blue, she'll be broken!" Yellow thought.

She got up and went to her and blue's chambers then into their daughters room.

"Blue... I have to tell you something." Blue turned her head slightly.

"W-what is it?" She asked

"Someone shattered her!"

Blue sat up quickly and turned to yellow. She saw their child's shards in her hands. Tears kept falling down her face as she looked at the shards. She carefully took the shards from her wife's hands and held them to her gem. Yellow held blue as she sobbed loudly. Yellow had a few tears fall as well.

"Why would someone do this!? She was only two months old!" She shouted.

"I-I don't.. I don't know!"

Yellow buried her her face in her wife's hair. She missed her daughter and pink so much but she had to be strong. For the empire, especially for blue. But at that moment all she did was cry she felt weak about it. Blue ran her hand up and down yellow's back. They stayed there for a few hours holding each other and their babies shards. They bubbled her together so the bubble was green. They went to their room and laid on their bed. Yellow held blue as she held her child's shards. They laid there in silence. Blue eventually fell asleep in her wife's arms. Yellow looked at her and whispered.

"I will never let anything hurt you again I promise my love."

She kissed her forehead then just watched as blue slept peacefully.

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