Chapter 10

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A week later everyone was at the barn. They were building a drill after they found out about the cluster and what it'll do.

"So we have a few things to get in order to put this drill together." Peridot said. "So I believe the best way would be to split up and each team can find a piece we need." She said pointing to the chalk board.

"We can use one of the drill heads from the kindergarten." Pearl suggested.

"Those can get through the earths layers no problem right?" Steven asked.

"You are correct. Since they were used to implant gems into the earths crust we should hypothetically be able to use those same drill heads to go all the way to the earths core. Assuming that they can withstand the heat radiating from it." Pearl said

"Well they should they've been built to withstand pretty much anything. The designs havn't changed in the last few thousand anyways." Peridot told them.

"Except amethysts whip!" Steven shouted.

"Heck yeah." Amethyst agreed.

"How are we gonna get the dill head here though?" Iris questioned.

"Well we can send a small team to go get a drill head from the kindergarten and bring it back using the warping system." Pearl said.

"Or we can just send amethyst and garnet while me and my underling pearl work on the designs and they can bring it back using the warp pad." Peridot said in a rather snarky tone.

"That's what pearl just said..." Iris stated.

"Underling??" Pearl said a little confused. "I am not your underling! If anything you are mine!"

Peridot had a laughing fit. "A pearl!? Being the boss of a peridot?! Hah I've never heard anything funnier in my life!"

"Why would that be funny?" Steven asked.

"Well because my dear human child who happens to be rose quartz... pearls are the lowest in our society and there fore it is funny that she thinks she can one who is of lower ranking than me boss a peridot around. It's hilarious!" She said as she laughed once again.  

"You're being rude!" Iris pouted.

"I'm just stating the facts. I can design better, and I can build better! Pearls are just for standing around and looking all fancy like... unless your the diamonds pearls they like them for some reason I don't see why they're inferior compared to them especially yellow diamond! Anyways back to the point. Pearls like you don't know how to do anything properly so it's best you just leave."

"I am not going anywhere you cannot boss me around you puny little green triangle!"

"Oohhh that's it!!" Peridot hurtled herself at Pearl who summoned her spear. Garnet grabbed peridot who was thrashing about.

"Let me go you permafusion! I'm better than all of you at engineering and everything!!!"

"Why don't you prove it then?" Iris said with her arms crossed.

"You should build robots!!!" Steven shouted.

"Robots?" Pearl asked.

"Yeah you should build robots it'll be so cool!!!" Iris shouted loudly

"Iris quiet voice."

"Sorry garnet Im just exited!"

Garnet gave her a smile.

"Come on guys let's get to building some robots!!!" Steven said excitedly.

"What even are robots anyways?" Peridot asked

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