Chapter 9

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Steven and Iris were laying in Steven's bed together since Iris had a night mare and so she crawled into bed with Steven.
"Good night Iris." Steven said.
"Night." Iris responded.
Steven saw a triangle at the end of his bed.
"Good night ominous triangle at the end of my bed."
He closed his eyes then opened then again and the triangle was gone, he shook it off since he was tired and probably just seeing things. Then his mouth got covered and he was grabbed and brought to the warp pad. Peridot warped away with him and went to the galaxy warp.
"Let me go!" Steven shouted as he struggled to get out of her grasp. They fell over.
"Enough of this!" Peridot said and picked him up with a beam.
"What do you want from me?!" He asked.
"I want, to get off this darned planet!"
Peridot dropped him on the galaxy warp pad.
"You have to fix this!" Peridot shouted pointing to the warp pad.
"What?" Steven asked.
"You're my last chance. I've got no flask robonoids. I've got no foot. No way off this planet! And no response from yellow diamond!" She took a quick breath. "I know you fixed lazuli's gem. What ever you did to her do to this warp. Or else!" She made a electrical ball.
"Okay just give me a second, my mouth get's really dry when I'm scared." He said. He water a second before licking his hand and touching the warp pad.
"What was that?" Peridot asked. "It didn't do anything!"
"Well sometimes my powers don't work right. Sorry."
"No, no no no it's gotta work it has to!"
She started laughing and sank to the ground and held her knees.
"This is it. This was my last shot and I'm gonna die here!" She hid her face in her knees.
"Hey it's okay." Steven went to her. "The earth isn't that bad."
"It doesn't matter how good or bad the earth is like. It's not gonna be like anything soon!" She shouted
"What do you mean?" Steven asked. Then the warp pad went off. Garnet, Pearl, amethyst and Iris warped in.
"There he is!" Pearl said as they all ran over to him.
"Steven are you okay??" Pearl asked.
"I'm good." He replied
"Of course you have to be here!" Peridot shouted. "I can't have one minute alone on this crummy worthless excuse of a planet!"
"Well maybe if you stopped trying to destroy us we wouldn't have to stop you!" Pearl shouted at her.
Peridot charger her blaster and shot at Iris but garnet grabbed her and jumped out of the way before she got hit. She placed her down and the three gems cornered peridot.
"Wait you need me! I'm the only one who know's about the!"
Garnet grabbed her waist and poofed her with both gauntlets before peridot could finish her sentence.  Her limb enhancers fell on the ground.
"What in the?" Pearl spoke
"Ew there's parts of her all over." Amethyst said
"Nope. She's right here." She showed her gem and bubbled her then tapped the bubble. "And now she's at the temple."
"So these things weren't actually apart of her body?" Pearl questioned.
Amethyst picked them all up and threw them all into the ocean.
"She was trying to tell us something Garnet." Steven told her.
"Those are just the desperate lies of a gem who's been caught. We don't have to worry about her anymore." Garnet said and walked to the warp pad. Iris went and held garnets hand.
"Come on Steven let's go home." Pearl said and guided him to the warp pad. They warped home. "Let's go you two off to bed."
"I'm not tired Pearl." Iris said.
"Me either." Steven told them.
"You two need sleep so let's go off to bed." Pearl said.
"Can I sleep with steven?" Iris asked.
"If it's okay with him."
"Yeah I'm fine with it."
The two of them went to Steven's room and sat on the bed. Steven sat at the end of the bed and held onto peridot's foot thing.
"Are you okay?" Iris asked him.
"I'm fine." He responded.
"You sure?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm good."
Steven laid down.
"Why were you scared?" He said talking to peridots foot. "If only I could just talk to you for another second."
Suddenly his gem glowed and the temple door opened to show rose's room.
"Wanna go with me?" He asked Iris who nodded. The two of them went into rose's room. The door closed.
"Room I need to talk to peridot."
It showed peridot
"I'm the only one who know's about the." She was cut off. Steven groaned.
"Room we need to go to the basement the real one I know there's a way in here."
The clouds opened up showing a pole.
"Thank you."
The two of them slid down it Iris being a bit more cautious. Steven jumped off then hit the floor.
"You okay?" Iris asked as she slid onto the floor.
"Yep I'm good."
He walked to the centre of the room and looked around for peridots gem. Once he found it he climbed up and grabbed it. Then he fell and peridot unbubbled and reformed.
"The cluster you half brained mega clods!" She shouted. Then looked at her hand and wiggled her fingers. Steven and Iris stared at her in awe.
"You're so cute!" Iris squealed.
"Where are my limbenhancers!?" Peridot shouted
"Like and angry little slice of pie." Steven said.
"Stop talking I demand to know where I am and what this place is!" Peridot shouted and looked up. "Oh my stars you're going to harvest me!?!" She hit Steven on the face.
"Ow that hurt!"
"It did?"
"Yeah a lot."
Peridot did it again but harder.
"Yes! Feel my rage!!"
Steven grabbed her hands.
"Hey quit it.. what's that on your shirt?"
Steven flicked her nose.
"That's it." Peridot chased Steven around the room slapping him.
"Iris can you help me?!" Steven asked.
"Yes." She tried pulling peridot away from her but she was too strong for her smol arms.
"Why are you acting like that?" Iris questioned.
"You guys poofed me and trapped me in your bubble dungeon! And worst of all you guys called me cute!" Peridot tried punching Steven but her dodged.
"I didn't poof you. Iris and I freed you."
Peridot stared at him with big ol' eyes.
"Why would you make such a mistake like that?" She asked him.
"What we're you trying to say back at the warp pad. It seemed important."
"What do you know?" Iris asked in a suspicious sounding voice.
"Everything bout the cluster you pebbles."
"What's the cluster?"
"The reason why I'm here is because of the cluster. I was supposed to check progress on the cluster! In and out before it hatches. Until somebody! Destroyed my only way off this sad rock. It's going to emerge and nothing can stop it and we'll all be shattered!"
Steven and Iris sat down.
"Okay so tell from the top."
"You really wanna know?"
"What's your shirt?" Peridot flicked his nose and ran out the opening of the bubble room. Steven and Iris chased after her.
"Stop they're gonna see you!" Iris shouted.
Peridot laughed and threw her hands in the air.
"Freedom is mine!" She shouted. Then peridot turned around slowly looking at the gems who were shocked. "Look over there another planet to betray!"
The gems summoned their weapons and peridot scampered to the door where garnet and pearl blocked it.
"No you don't!"
"Eep." She headed to the stairs and amethyst was there.
She screeched and went to the bathroom.
"You may have won the war but the battle isn't over clods!" She shouted from the bathroom.
"How did she get out anyways?" Pearl asked.
"Maybe we needed a bigger bubble?" Amethyst suggested.
"My bubbles are fine."
"I let her out." Iris said covering for Steven. The three gems gasped
"Iris why would you do such a thing?"
"Because she knows something and she's scared of it."
"Well duh we're gonna smush her into a pancake."
"No cuz of something called the cluster."
"Cluster huh? That's new." Garnet spoke.
"What else did she tell the both of you?" Pearl asked.
"That's all we got." Steven told them.
"That's right!" Peridot shouted form the bathroom. "You don't know what's coming you dirt bombs!"
"We can't fight her then fine we'll talk." Garnet said. "Peridot. No more fighting let's just have a conversation."
"As if I'd ever tell you fight war machine anything!" She shouted. Garnet summoned her gandlets.
"All right let's kick her butt."
"Yeah destroy me again have fun talking to me in a bubble!"
"We'll she's more valuable this rather than bubbled since she has information." Pearl said.
"Peridot you can't stay in there forever!" Garnet told her.
"You underestimate my power fusion!" She shouted back through the door. Peridot wondered around the bathroom touching al, the things.
"So what now?" Amethyst asked.
"Wait until she comes out?" Iris suggested.
"But that'll take too long and I need to use the washroom." Steven said.
"Well that's your only option right now Steven." Pearl said.
"Just go in the ocean ya know like a fish." Amethyst told him.
"That's unsanitary." Iris told them. Steven groaned and went outside. In the morning Steven went into the bathroom to get washed up and surprisingly peridot let him in.
"So about this cluster thing. You gotta tell us about it."
"I suppose so. Since I have no way off this planet I guess I could help you so I don't die."
"There we go! Now we should probably get the gems to tell them about it." Steven hummed. "Oh how about you tell me and we can make a presentation about it!"

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